Chapter Two

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Do I just phone him? Why didn't he phone me? What does he want? Only one way to find out...

After Portugal had passed on her brother's message, UK had been nothing but confused. Finally, after hours of procrastination, she'd made the decision to just get some answers and phone him. After all, what's the worst that could happen? Reaching for her landline, her hand shaking, UK dialled.

"Hello?" It was strange hearing such a familiar voice after all these years. It stirred up some long-lost affection, joy and security that Britain didn't quite realise how much she'd missed. All those memories, all that time... All of her past shone before her, just because of one single word. Was that even possible? It was such a bizarre feeling, yet a feeling so comfortable and familiar: love. UK had missed that.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

"Y-yeah, sorry... Just got distracted... Anyway, I was speaking to Portugal earlier-"

"Course, I asked him to speak to you," England paused, unsure of how to say what he intended in the right words. He never was great at communication, after all. A few seconds later, he continued, "I've missed you... we all have, really. Besides, it's Christmas and I-we don't want you to be alone in the cold... My point is, do you want to live with us for a while, Brit?"

Taken aback, UK stood in a stunned silence, not quite sure what to think... This was all so sudden! Why now? Should she?

Finally, she came to a decision, "Ok, sure... but... can I take my pets with me, Anglo?"

A crackly laugh erupted from the other end of the line. "Ok, sis, you can bring your mini zoo with us! We'll pick you up tomorrow, alright?"

"Alright... Bye."

"Bye, mate."

~Time skip, brought to you by everyone I know disagreeing about how to say 'scone'~

At twelve o'clock exactly, a sharp tapping echoed throughout the house. UK bolted down the stairs at lightning speed, flinging open the front door. Stood behind it were her four favourite people in the world: a six-foot-two madlad with unruly ginger hair and piercing green eyes, a rather well-presented man with greyish eyes and a top hat larger than his actual head, a haughty-looking woman with blonde braids and an uncharacteristic grin, and finally an extremely small, cheery-looking woman with fluffy white hair and heterochronic eyes (one a similar green to that of her eldest brother, the other a deep, blood-red), the left of which matched her ruby-red dragon wings that fluttered merrily behind her as she hovered in mid-air.

"Come in, lads and lasses!" UK smiled. "Anyone want a cuppa?"

"Oh, go on then!" England grinned back, his siblings nodding in agreement.

The British family sat there, chatting (and squabbling) for hours, discussing life, economics, work and that time England accidentally dyed Wales's hair orange ("It's still stained, even now!" "I'm sorry! I was only trying to help!" "Help? Really? You sure?"). Eventually though, about two hours later, it began to rain. Not a lot, but more than usual, even for the UK.

"Might get even heavier later," Northern Ireland remarked, staring mournfully at the weather app on her phone.

Scotland chuckled slightly at the grim look on his sister's face. "Ah suppose we ought to get goin' then!"

Author's Note

Finally! Something a decent length! Hopefully you enjoyed this, and - of course - thank you for reading this, it means a lot! Any questions or ideas are also welcome if you have any! As always, please point out any errors too! Thank you!


A Truly British ChristmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora