Chapter Four

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3 months later... Wow, it doesn't feel like that long since I updated this!

TW: Mentions of Brexit

Hopefully, I'll finish this (this time)! I didn't think it was worth continuing at all, until a conversation I had with @ch2addict , so thank you for that!

"Perhaps we should all get some sleep, it's been a long day for all of us," Wales laughed awkwardly, breaking the room's silence.

Nodding, the other four hastened to pile up the plates, which were shoved unceremoniously into the sink by Northern Ireland, who somehow managed to fall onto the washing machine in the process. Not yet fully closed, the machine sprayed water and soap across the room, flooding it immediately, despite the haste with which it was turned off again.

"Great. Now we have two lots of cleaning tae do!" Scotland sighed, groaning at the puddle of soapy laundry at his feet.

Shrugging, Northern Ireland grabbed a bedraggled-looking mop from the nearby cupboard, tossing it to Scott.

"Tough luck!"

"I cannae do all of that cleaning! It was yer mess!"

"Well, perhaps you ought to stop whinging at everyone and pull your own weight before ordering everyone else around, then!" North retorted, her typical frown returning to her face, as she crossed her arms and glared at her brother.

"Well, let's not argue, dears! How about we-"

"Work together? Nah, this isn't my job, Wales. Perhaps tell yer sister to get her act together, if yer that keen on making things fair 'round here."


"I cannae put up with this, I'm going to bed."


UK couldn't sleep, not with so much news still to process. England lied; the four didn't really miss her, they just needed her for the money!

But... the inflation was partially her fault after all, what with Brexit and all the failed negotiations, wasn't it? Well, obviously the pandemic was an issue too, but-

No. You did as your people said, don't blame yourself for their mess.

It is my fault, I convinced them to do this...

No, it isn't, not really! Plus, half still wanted to stay, didn't they? It wasn't influenced that much by you!...

For what felt like hours, Brit stared at the ceiling, gazing at the peculiar wooden beams that covered it, though she was barely even aware of the real world, let alone the details she appeared to examine. She lay lost in thought and delusion, fighting with her conscience, not even remotely sure what was reality and what was the paranoid guilt that had burned inside of her ever since that fateful January day when she had left the EU for good...

Eventually, exhausted by her own confusion, UK slipped into a light sleep. The peace of unconsciousness washed over her, like a wave of clarity and rest, though the blissful sensation didn't last long.

Gasping for air, the country sat bolt upright, flicking on the antique bedside lamp beside her bed. A shiver crept down her spine as she stared around her, though nothing greeted her but the silence of the midnight air. Perhaps it was all a nightmare: she had been in a rather bad mood, hadn't she?

Dismissing her unease, Brit flicked off the light, slowly closing her eyes once more.


"Brit? Britain!"


"Half a rock?!"

"'Tis all you are, realistically."


"Well, it worked, didn't it? Look!"

"T-Tea?" UK sighed, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "Oh, morning, North. And you, Scott."

"Are you alright?" a voice from behind Brit whispered, "You were screaming..."

"Was I? Oh, I-"

"And you're sweating!" Wales finished, pulling UK around to face her.

"You scared us," Northern Ireland added, grimacing even more intensely than after the previous night's quarrel.

"W-Where's England?" UK muttered, glancing around her.

"Asleep, still," Scotland laughed, "Yer brother still sinks into his bed like a log with rocks taped to it. I can get him fer you if yhe'd like."

"Good idea," Wales answered before Brit could get a word in edgeways, "North, can you clean up the kitchen now?"

"...Fine." North sighed, twisting her hair around her finger irritably.

With that, the pair left the bedroom, leaving a still shaking UK alone with Wales, who was now flying backwards and forwards around, clearly deep in thought.

Stopping, she glanced over at her sister, asking, "Do you want to tell me about that dream?"

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