Chapter Ten

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TW: Fighting, potential death. It's not too bad, but I thought I should make you aware.

Following her siblings up to the entrance of the Commonwealth's headquarters, UK watched as Wales knocked on the door, admiring the building as they waited. The HQ was nothing short of a mansion, with white trims glimmering against the red brickwork and Connie's flag waving above it proudly, higher than anything else in the garden of which they stood in. They were surrounded by perfectly trimmed hedges, sweet-smelling flowers and well-pruned trees, as well as a ring of national flags, creating a beautiful display of colour and nature.

"Enter!" someone finally shouted, swinging open the grand oak doors.

"Hello, Connie!" UK grinned, hugging her younger cousin.

"Merry Christmas," Commonwealth smiled back. "How are you?"

"That's quite a story..."

"Speaking of which," England laughed coldly, pushing between the pair, "can we have access to the Ancient Library?"


"It's complicated," UK grimaced as Connie sipped her tea expectantly. "The general issue is-"

"She's being possessed by her own dad." Northern Ireland finished, causing Connie to spit out her tea, drenching Wales, who was unfortunate enough to be stood between them.

"Sorry, Wales," Connie apologised. "Should I get you some kitchen roll?"

"It's fine," Wales sighed, "Wouldn't be the first time."

"And about the library?" England demanded, frowning.

"I don't have access to it, you'll have to ask UN tomorrow."


"Well, it's his day off! Anyway, you promised me you'd help with the Christmas decorations...?"

"Course!" UK laughed, glaring at England, "What do you need us to do?"

"The tree in the entrance hall has already been put up by Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, so I only need you five to help me decorate it. Plus, I've still got those scones I mentioned and they need eating soon!" Connie grinned.

Nodding, the four wandered into the entrance hall, a beautifully decorated room with polished oak floors, satin curtains, pale blue walls and - in the very centre of the room - an enormous Christmas tree, surrounded by boxes overflowing with baubles, tinsel and fairy lights.

"England, what was that about?!" UK whisper-yelled, "Asking about the library - we never discussed that! Besides, we just got here-"

"Oi!" England yelled back, "I was being helpful!"

"You were being a liability!"

"How?! You're the one that got us extra chores!"

"England, she's offered us a place to stay, this is the least we can do!" Brit hissed furiously.

"Look at the size of that thing! This isn't 'just a favour' like you said, it's slave labour!"

"If it matters, it's nowhere near, really, England," Wales shrugged, patting her brother on the shoulder (and still covered in tea). "Plus, it'll be fun! Let's just start!"

Reluctantly, England agreed and the four began digging through the decorations, applying the fairy lights first, after much swearing as they were untangled. The lights were wrapped around the tree in a dull silence, a sullen atmosphere which remained for an unsettlingly long time.

"Red tinsel?" Scott asked boredly, emptying out the box of tinsel and sifting through the various colours.

"Of course not!" England scoffed. "Blue lights and red tinsel? That's a horrible idea! Let's do silver!"

"Shut up, England! Besides, silver's the dullest thing ever! Much like you, actually!"

"Excuse me?!" England shrieked.

"You're excused," Scott smiled," Please leave, in fact."



Furious, England clenched his fists, yanking the tinsel away from his brother, who promptly pulled it back, shoving Anglo into the tree, toppling it over. Scott chuckled at this, until England got back to his feet, throwing an entire box of baubles, which hit him squarely in the face. Most of the ornaments smashed on impact, leaving paper-thin cuts all over Scott's face, but he barely seemed to notice; his injury only seemed to fuel his anger, as he tossed aside his own tinsel, reaching out and grabbing England by the hair and-

"STOP!" UK screamed. The brothers turned around, only to see Wales in tears, being hugged by North, while Commonwealth and Brit were crouched behind the tree, hiding from the shrapnel of the broken ornaments.

"P-Please don't fight," Wales stuttered, sniffing, "It's supposed to be Christmas..."

Without looking back, England stormed out into the corridor, Scott not far behind, yelling at his brother for making Wales cry (though this in itself just made her cry even more). This left just Wales, North, Connie and Brit alone, all four still crouching on the floor, barely able to process what had just happened.

We can't even love each other at Christmas anymore. UK thought, tears now slipping down her face too. How have we fallen this far...?

"UK!" Connie shrieked suddenly, "UK, you're... you're cracking!"


"You're face... It's cracking...!"

That settles it. It's over. There's no hope left... I'm...

"I'm going to die, aren't I?"

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