Chapter Nine

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"So... what exactly is this genius plan of yours?" England finally asked his sister after an awkward pause.

"Well," Northern Ireland chuckled, "All of the organisations have spare rooms, right? And we were planning on visiting Connie anyway..."

"Do you think she'll say yes at such short notice?" Wales interjected, wings fluttering behind her and almost hitting Scott in the face.

"I suppose it's worth a try..." UK nodded somewhat uneasily. "I'll call her and ask."


"Let me get this straight," the Commonwealth of Nations sighed, "You were trying to summon a ghost, England caught fire and knocked over a load of stuff, which set the entire house on fire. Northern Ireland then said no to staying with FBI, so now you want to stay here."


"Should I ask why?"

"Probably best you don't..."

"Right," Connie sighed, "I have three spare rooms, so you'll have to share, but you can stay here for the time being, I suppose. Luckily for you, I've been baking, so you can have some scones when you arrive if you'd like."

"Thank you! Honestly, you're amazing-"

"On one condition."

"Ok...What is it...?"

"You five help me put up the Christmas decorations next week!"

"Oh," UK sighed, relieved, "Course! We'll be over in about ten minutes!"

Hanging up, UK turned to her siblings, grinning in triumph and giving them a thumbs-up.

"Everyone in the car, then!" Scott nodded, as Wales handed him the car key, which she'd pulled out of a pocket somewhere in her dress.

Once again, the family embarked on another car journey, though this one was rather less festive than the first, as the snow had halted days ago, leaving behind the forlorn rain that UK now gazed at out of the window. Even more Christmas decorations had gone up now it seemed, something that had been neglected by the British siblings. Oh well, at least they'd be able to help Commonwealth with hers...

Come to think of it, this would be the first time the five had put up decorations together since they were children...

"We have a smaller tree this year, I'm afraid." grinned a much younger-looking England. "Father doesn't want us near the fancy one. We can have this one for one of our rooms, though!"

"Who wants some tinsel?" Scotland laughed, grabbing a smaller piece that had fallen onto the floor and wrapping it around Wales' head. Wales giggled, smiling at her brother, revealing the gap where her wobbly tooth had fallen out the day before.

"I'll put it on!" she smiled, flying around the tree and applying the tinsel rather unevenly to it, most of it having caught around the middle of the tree.

"I'll get the baubles, then!" North half-smiled, dragging a cardboard box through the bedroom door. "Perhaps the baby would like to put them on?"

"I'm not a baby!" UK squealed, "I'm a whole five years and eight months old on Sunday! I'm a big girl now! And at least I'm not a grumpy teenager like you!"

Laughing at their younger sister, England and Scott picked her up, holding her just high enough to be in line with the top of their little tree. Digging through the battered box, North pulled out a cardboard star, decorated with glitter and pipe-cleaners and with a hairclip glued to the back of it to attach it to the tree. North picked it up as carefully as her false nails allowed her to, passing it to UK.

Stroking the fluffy pipe-cleaners around the star's edge, Brit leaned in, clipping the little star to the top of the tree, giggling excitedly as she did.

"Well done, Brit," Scott grinned, "It looks beautiful!" In response, UK laughed, playing with her brother's hair, much to England's amusement.

"Is it all fluffy?" England laughed, in spite of himself.

"It feels like a German Shepherd," UK giggled in reply.

"Like your eyebrows, England," Scott muttered, causing UK to burst out laughing.

"Brit, we're here," Wales whispered, poking her sister in the shoulder. Blinking, UK turned to her, snapping out of her little daydream and hugging her sister.

"Aw, UK, what's that for?" Wales giggled, blushing.

"Christmas, innit?"

"Oh, UK..."

"Merry Christmas, Wales."

"You too, Brit, but I think they've locked us in the car..."

"Oh..." Turning again to stare out of the window, UK watched as Scott and England pulled funny faces at her and Wales, which continued for a decent five minutes, until North got bored and snatched the keys away from her brothers and unlocked the car.

"North," Scott whined, "What was that for?!"

"It's raining and I'm bored."


"Let's go inside," Wales sighed, climbing out of the car and heading up the drive.

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