Chapter One

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It's a nice day out. Birds twittering away in the trees, frost making the pavements glitter... perfect December weather. I just wish it wasn't so utterly cold! It's -2 degrees outside and it's not like I can afford heating! Oh well, coats and blankets it is, I suppose.

I doubt anyone is around today; it's far too cold to be outside for most countries. Y'know what that means? Dog-walking session! I whistle softly, gazing at the stairs and it isn't long before the furry armada sweeps into the living room: six corgis and two border collies, all full of energy and all brimming with mischief. Oh, there's also the dragon, but he doesn't come with us. In fact, he doesn't do much of anything anymore. Poor Doug, too old and kind for his own good!

As I leave the cottage (and the armada gallop into the woodlands) I hear something; someone shouting... someone calling me?

3rd Person POV

"UK! UK, is that you?" Emerging out of the shrubbery, a bedraggled-looking Portugal hobbles over to his friend, grinning delightedly. "I haven't seen you in ages! I've missed you!" Peering more closely at his best friend, his smile faltered slightly. "Are you ok, Britain?"

"I-I'm fine, it's nothing," UK stammered, giggling nervously. "Anyway, how have you been?"

"Oh, just the usual. Got stuck in a rabbit hole a few metres back!" he grimaced.

The pair chatted for a while, only stopping briefly to fuss a dog or to admire the scenery. They just stood around for a decent few hours, blabbering on about nothing in particular and admiring the scenery, until the sky had faded to a pinkish-orange above them, revealing some of the constellations above.

"Gosh, sunset already? I suppose we ought to get going!" smiled UK.

"Yes, it is getting late, isn't it?" Portugal beamed back.

Saying their final goodbyes, the duo began to wander away from each other, until all of a sudden, Portugal rushed back towards his friend, looking rather flustered.

"Meu amigo, I almost forgot to say," he panted, "England wanted me to tell you he wants to speak to you."


Author's Note:

That was shorter than I initially intended! Oh well, it's only Chapter 1, I guess. They'll get longer though, I promise! Again, apologies for the incoherent randomness, but honestly I'm too tired to thoroughly edit. Please point out any errors to me! Thank you!


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