Chapter Eleven

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"Morning, Brit... Are you-"

"Go away, England."

"Sister, please..."

"Go. Away. England."

The next day began with a sullen silence, with Wales still tearful over yesterday's fighting, UK furious with her brothers' stubborn nature, and Northern Ireland sick of their bickering and melodramatic rows. Meanwhile, England and Scotland still refused to cooperate, though their siblings' lack of forgiveness left them with only each other for company.

"You could always speak to UN about the library today," Connie announced, breaking the tense silence surrounding the dinner table as she spread butter onto her scone.

Butter before jam, always!

"I suppose," UK nodded, "We need to find a solution soon, if he's really planning on... y'know..."

"You never did tell me what had happened yesterday, Brit." Connie reminded her cousin, curiosity getting the best of her.

Once again, Brit explained all about Monarchy, about her dreams, about her conversation with Anna and about the imminent mind control. Commonwealth nodded, sipping her tea thoughtfully, as if processing what she'd just been told.

"Hmm... Wouldn't surprise me, Uncle Monarchy always was insane. You're looking for a means of fighting back then, I take it? There might be some books in the library from that era..." she muttered.

"S'pose we should look, then," North interjected impatiently.

"UN's headquarters should be open by now," Brit agreed.

"What are we waiting for, then?!"

"Wales, are you coming?" UK asked her sister, who grinned and nodded, untying her cardigan from around her waist.

"I'll get my coat, too!" England added, chuckling.

"You aren't going anywhere," Connie snarled at him fiercely, "Or your brother, for that matter. You two are spending the day fixing that Christmas tree you wrecked yesterday!"


"'Oh' indeed. Now, clear up those plates please, you two."

"Fine," Scott groaned; England simply sniffed, looking away in distain, before giving into Commonwealth's stern looks and cleaning up the plates with his brother.


"Good morning, UK!" UN beamed, opening his office door. "Aw, you brought a little dragon-lady! She's so cute!" Excitedly, Union patted Wales on the head, admiring her fluffy, snow-white hair. "I love her! Can I keep her?"

"Erm... Maybe you should stop petting my sister, UN..."

"No, it's fine," Wales laughed, "I never get proper hugs anyway. I quite like it..."

"Aww..." UN squealed, cuddling his new friend adoringly, as she giggled and played with his hair in return.

"Anyway," North interrupted, "Could you help us with something?"

"Of course!" Union grinned, "What do you need?"

"Would it be ok if we spent some time in the Ancient Library?" UK asked, biting her lip.

"I-I don't know about that..."

"UN, please! It's urgent!"

"I'm just not sure that's a good idea..."

"Please?" Wales added, pulling out of the hug and gazing at UN hopefully.

"Well, I suppose... I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Come on, I'll take you there myself, as you're so keen!" Union smiled nervously, pulling out an ancient-looking set of golden keys and leading the three out of the room.

The four walked through the endless corridors of the UN headquarters for what felt like hours, until their path suddenly grew darker and thinner, sloping steeply downwards at an alarming rate. At some point inside the tunnel, the soft sky-blue carpet ended too, giving way to damp stone that now surrounded them, making it darker still. Yet, UN carried on walking purposefully, the other three still (less confidently) in tow.

"Here we are!" UN announced finally, slipping the key into a lock that was barely visible to the nations behind him. Union pushed open the door with some considerable effort and an ear-splitting creak, immediately flooding the corridor with a warm light from within the library.

Before them stood towering bookshelves, crafted from ancient oak trees, stretching as far as the eye could see. The chestnut-brown floor glittered in the light of a thousand candelabras, whose shadows danced a gentle waltz on the forest-green walls.

"Each bookshelf is marked with a year, the oldest being closest to the front. It's fairly simple, you just walk backwards, until you find the shelf engraved with the year you need. Good luck! I'll check on you in a few hours!" UN explained, waving goodbye and exiting the library.

"Well... he's been speaking to you in Latin your whole life," North muttered, "so let's start with the year you were born... When was that again?"

"North!" Wales scoffed, "You don't know when your own sister was born?!"

"I was probably busy that day! Anyway, what year was it, Brit?"


"You seriously don't know?!" Wales cried, head in her hands.

"I know I came to power in 1707... I'm pretty sure I was 18 then, which would mean I was born in-"

"1689," Wales sighed, "Right, what year is this here?"


"I meant the shelf, Brit."

"Oh... 500-."

"Really? That long ago was recorded here?!"


"Come on! What is this, a marathon now?! I'm not walking that far back into this stupid place!" North exclaimed, crossing her arms and sitting in the middle of the floor like a frustrated toddler.

"Suit yourself," UK shrugged. Enjoy being on your own here, then. We'll be in the middle shelves somewhere."

"No! Wait for me! Don't go without me!" North shrieked, running after her sisters.

"Exactly," Wales laughed, patting North on the back.

"I hate you two sometimes... You know I don't like being left alone in unfamiliar places!"

"Sorry, we had to..."

"You really didn't! You know it scares me! Alone... With way too many shadows... I don't like it here..."

"Sorry, North," Brit sighed, hugging her, "We'll look after you! Right, Wales!"

"Of course we will, North!"

"Thanks... Onwards, then?"

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