Chapter Three

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It was quite a long journey back to the house, even by car. Unfortunately, the sleet appeared to be causing quite a few traffic jams, not to mention rush hour. Despite England's road rage ("You can't just cut in front you b*******, who do you think you are, f****** king of the road?"), UK honestly didn't mind the traffic too much on this occasion. After all, it only gave her more time to admire the beautiful Christmas light appearing outside of houses, which were twinkling gently in a peaceful silence, a silence only broken by her brother's incessant cursing at other drivers.

Thankfully, the SatNav was able to find a less busy route and half an hour later, at last, the car's tyres crunched against the pebbles that covered their driveway.

The house itself appeared fairly large and was constructed from dusty sandstone in the 1700s. As it tended to be at Christmas, the building's windows had strings of lights pouring from them, like masses of curtains of joy. In fact, most of the house was decorated in some way, albeit very messily.

Climbing out of the car, Wales exclaimed, "Look! Snow!"

It was true; the rain had frozen and formed fluffy puffs of snow, which floated through the air, sticking to clothes, stones, rooves and whatever else crossed its path.

"It really is Christmas now!" UK sighed contently.

"Brit, it's the fifth." England snorted.

"Shut up, Scrooge!" Brit retorted.

"Well it isn't Christmas yet!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Shall we head in?" Northern Ireland groaned after at least three more minutes of bickering.

"Aye, it's cold," Scotland agreed. "Besides, Doug's gettin' chilly too." Everyone gazed up at the dragon, who bowed and let out a stream of smoke, as if agreeing with Scott.

~Time skip, brought to you by me wearing Christmas socks in the middle of Spring~

Dinner that night was extremely pleasant, though rather frosty ("Cannae afford the heatin' sorry," Scotland had explained). They chatted about anything and everything, only pausing to take another bite of the delicious stew Northern Ireland had concocted.

"Y'know, you still haven't told me why I've been invited here," UK blurted out suddenly.

"Well... Tae be honest," Scott began awkwardly, "we cannae keep up wit' tae bills an' we thought you'd be havin' tae same issue... so here we are."

"Stronger as a team, we thought," Wales nodded, "Only temporarily, of course. Besides, we couldn't leave you on your own at Christmas!"

"But it's not-"

"England, it's Christmas now, get over it!"

Wow. They always want something, don't they? Can't they just look after themselves? They're not wrong about my struggles though, and we are better together, but...

"...I wish you'd just tell me these things," UK sighed, "You're my family! I'll be here for you, and vice-versa, but you need to be honest with me about these things! You don't need to trick me into helping you, I'll be here for you! Don't you trust me?"

"Sorry, we just-"

"It's fine, just... you know I love you, right?"

Author's Note:

Honestly, I have no idea where I'm going with this plot, to be honest, but oh well. Hopefully this isn't too bad! Also, I might be obsessed with Christmas, I've just realised!

Bye! Thanks for reading!

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