Chapter 27 : Jinnie and Joonie

Start from the beginning

"He's more than happy, he's over the moon! " Taehyung exclaimed, "happy as ever to know that he won't go to Eunma with us! And you're okay with that?!"

"I don't really like it, I'm not going to lie, but since that's what he wants and what makes him happy then I'm okay with that and happy for him."

"I refuse to believe you're going to let this happen, you're way too vicious for that. You helped me get his friend Seung to leave to stay with us two years ago," Taehyung reminded him. "I am sure that you have the power to convince Jin and that you will help me, this time again!"

Namjoon gave his brother an amused look.

"I have grown since, little brother, and you should have done the same: I will not steal from him what makes him happy. That's probably why I'm the brother he loves and not the one he hates. Do you think I'm going to risk Seokjin hating me like he hates you?"

"He doesn't hate me," Taehyung growled, "we made up yesterday, which means that your efforts to harm me have been in vain, I hope that pisses you off!"

"You've always played with his limits and he doesn't hate you yet? Impressive. His heart is too good for a scoundrel like you. He must still be a little attached to you, although I don't understand why," Namjoon said.

"Jealous ?"

"You wish. I wonder when will you realize that I don't need to make an effort to harm you : you're doing this to yourself, idiot. Now, take the last thing Jin adores from him and you will have managed without my help to make him hate you forever. Want to keep him with you even if he does not want? Well, I'm sure you'll find a solution on your own since you're still the same little monster playing with his life. Too bad you don't have more brains than before. Either way, I'm gonna watch this from afar and when you've hurt him beyond repair, and he needs a real friend to support him and dry his tears, I'll be there, the place you could have been if you weren't some jerk with anger and jealousy issues."

Enraged, Taehyung threw his fist in the direction of his brother's face and, having seen him coming, Namjoon threw his own fist in the direction of Taehyung's stomach.

"No!" shouted Seokjin who opened the door for the doctor at the same time, and rushed between the two.

The other two, surprised to see him appear, didn't have time to interrupt their gesture Seokjin, Taehyung's punch in the jaw and Namjoon's in the back. Taehyung's punch was the most painful and he found himself thrown against Namjoon who rushed to catch him.

The two brothers, horrified, exclaimed simultaneously:



Seokjin sat up, stretched his aching jaw, and massaged his lower back as he stepped back to face them.

"You haven't seen each other in a long time and the first thing you do is hit each other? That's insane," he grumbled.

Taehyung did not answer him but glared at the doctor who was looking at them with a scandalized look, ordering him to leave immediately before being fired. Then, he glared at his brother who was definitely not missing any opportunity to be the good brother in Seokjin's eyes.

"Jinnie, I'm so sorry!" Namjoon apologized, "Are you okay?"

He grabbed his chin to look at the redness that appeared where Taehyung had hit him but Seokjin pulled away.

"I'm fine, I am tough, no need to worry. But I don't want you to fight."

"Of course, I have to worry!" Namjoon replied, outraged. "And Taehyung deserves me to punch him for what he did to you! It's his fault you're in the hospital!"

Seokjin and the Heirs of the Korean Miracle - BOOK 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now