Chapter 24:

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Finally, we got home. My dad parked the car inside the gate and I see my mother walking out from the house. I got from the car and dad took my nephew inside.

"Kemon acho Ma?" I asked.
(How are you, mom?)

We both gave each other a side hug and she says,"Balo asi, tumi?"
(I'm good, you?)

It's sad how physically touch is not a love language in our family. Till this day, we still can't give each other a proper hug.

"Balo, ma. Let's go inside."
(Good, mom.)

We walked inside and I see my sister and her husband. I gave them both a hug. It feels good seeing them after a long time. Adulthood does make your life busy.

Few minutes later, someone rang the bell. I look at Didi and ask,"Are we expecting anyone?"
(Didi: older sister)

She shrug,"Not that I'm aware of."

Mom excitedly rushes to the door and I see it's her friend and her son, Dhruv.

My sister and I gave a what the fuck face to each other. Is mom serious right now? Are you kidding me? Is this why she told me to come home? Just so she can set me up with her stupid friend's son?

I greeted aunty and noticed how Dhruv is looking at me weirdly. My brother in law came to the recuse and say,"Hey Amoli, I have set up the table go sit down in the table with your sister."

"Thanks, Jiju," I walked away.
(Brother in law.)

We all sat down on the table and Dhruv is sitting across from me. Are you fucking kidding me? I dead ass wanna leave. My sister held my hand and gave me some comfort that everything will be okay. I hope so.

"Amoli, I heard your a lawyer now. Where do you work?" Aunty questioned.

"I work at Callisto's Law firm," I replied.

"Oh my, I heard of that law firm. It's the most powerful firm of all America. I heard both of the CEOs are very attractive. Especially, I forgot what's his name again?"

"Lorenzo Callisto." I said his name proudly.

Dad looked at me with suspicion and I ignored his reaction.

"Ahh yes Lorenzo Callisto. I seen his picture on the newspaper. My my he's very handsome and rich."

He's a billionaire for a reason.

"I'm so proud of you and your sister. Both of you guys are well educated." She compliments us to the point my sister and I knew she was hating. "I'm pretty sure you have many wedding prospects coming into your way."

Mom interjects,"She does have prospects. But, you know how kids are these days, they are too focused on their jobs. They don't even have time for their parents." She glares at me.

Is she throwing shades at me at the dinner table? Is she serious right now? Whatever.

"Dhruv tell me about yourself," mom asked.

"Aunty, I'm an mechanical engineer and I do stocks investment. Amoli," he said. "What are your future plans?"

"For now, I just want to pay off my loans and travel to a different country once or twice year. What about you?"

"Oh you still have loans left?" He chuckled. "Can't relate. I'm just investing in stocks and making more money. I don't have loans like you do. No offense."

"Excuse me? I didn't realized I said a joke here -"

"Amoli," mom cuts me off.

Aunty comments,"Amoli, you need to take care of your skin. Look how dark you got. You need to eat more healthy to lighten up your skin if you want to marry soon."

Absolute, silence. One thing my parents know I hate colorist comments. My sister looked at our parents but they both were quiet.

She looks at my mom and continues,"Apne Mey oinc sundar, par thar gai rong ektu kalo. But, I think my son likes her. Right, Dhruv?" Her son smiles as if there's nothing wrong with that comment.
(Your daughter is beautiful but her skin tone is a little dark.)

Hearing those words reminded me the type when I wanted to bleach my skin so bad. I was always refer as the dark child and compared to my sister and cousins all the time. I was ashamed of my skin tone because I didn't live up to my society beauty standards. Now, I'm proud of my skin and who I am as an individual.

Mom replies,"It's probably Amoli is stressed that's why her complexion has gotten darker."

Aunty nods her head as she agree with mom.

Didi is about to say something but I held her arm and shook my head no.

"It's okay Didi. Aunty, what makes you think that I would be interested with your mediocre son?"

"Excuse me? Who are you to call me mediocre?" Dhruv snapped.

Mom looks at me with anger,"Amoli, apologize to Dhruv and Aunty right now!"

"Apologize to them for what? Their rude comments? So Aunty, why should I be with your son?"

"I - " She stutters. "My son is an mechanical engineer and has stock markets."

Her son looks at me with anger while I just smile at him. The war begins.

"That's all he can offer? Your son here is so comfortable shaming on me having student loans. But, at least I'm proud to say that I'm paying it off. Aunty, enough with your disgusting colorist comments. Every skin tone is beautiful."

"Wow, I came over to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. But, clearly she has no respect for me and my son. We are leaving," both of them left the house.

"Why did you speak to my friend like that?"

"Why did you allow her to insult me?"

"Do you know what people are going to say? I didn't raise you and your sister properly."

"Ma, aunty was insulting Amoli and that's all you care about?" Didi questioned.

"You spoiled your sister that's why she acts disrespectful to others. If you didn't lie about having a boyfriend for six years, maybe Amoli wouldn't be this disrespectful."

"The reason why I lied about my relationship it's because you wouldn't allow me to be with the person I love. That boyfriend of mine is my husband and the father of my child you both love. Yes, I made mistakes when I was teenager and aunty snitched on me to you. This is why I can't talk about my feelings to you because you both would dismiss them. But, I'm leaving. You both can't leave my past." My sister, Jiju, and Arjun left the house.

Mom looks at me and says,"Just leave. You're nothing but a disgrace. I feel embarrassed that I have a daughter like you. With no manners."

I feel my eyes tears up when my mom said that. Wow Ma Wow. Always society over your own daughters. Always, my parents are harsh. It's nothing new. But, it still hurts how low they see me as. I sniffle,"Ma, the reason why I don't come home it's because you make me feel like the guest at this house. While you make the guest feel like it's their house." I slammed the door and got on the Uber.

I'm sorry Mom for not being beautiful in your eyes.

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