Chapter 14:

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"Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention?" A lady asked. I notice that it's Rose from the bar. I wave at her and she waved back at me with a smile. "Welcome to tonight's ball. I see that everyone dressed up beautifully tonight. To start off with tonight's auction, I want all the ladies to check underneath their seat to see if they have a rose. If you have a rose underneath your seat please come to the stage with the rose. If not it's okay."

I checked under my seat and I felt a stem. "Ahhh shit I got a rose," I looked Enzo worriedly.

"Hey, it's okay. Just go up there and I'll save you from it," he consoled. I nodded and I walked up to the stage with two other girls. They all look so prideful while I'm just confused why I'm here.

"Welcome, beautiful ladies. The rule for this auction is whoever are these ladies date, they are not allowed to participate for this auction. Who ever bids the highest for these ladies, they will dance with the winner. Of course the money will go towards charity of the ladies' choice."

I see Enzo got up with anger and I signaled him to SIT THE FUCK DOWN with my eyes. Jealous men these days. It's just a harmless dance. What's the big deal?


What the fuck does she mean the date can't offer the auction? I could have saved Amore from this bullshit. I don't want anyone to hold her waist and dance close to her. I see her on the stage and I'm not going to lie, I am worried. These men are bloody lustful and I can tell she is feeling uncomfortable. Ugh bloody hell. She is smelling the rose looking so beautifully innocent. She looked at me and gave me a smile of calmness. Hopefully, I don't beat the living shit out of anyone today.


"Let's begin the auction," said the hostess. The first girl won 1.8 million, while the other two won 2.5 million. The last lady of the auction is Amoli.


I can't believe it I'm in an auction full of thirsty horny men. How amazing my luck is today I thought to myself sarcastically.

"Let's start our last auction. First bid?" Rose asked.

"2 million!" Yelled a old man.

You have got to be kidding me! This man looks older than my dad. Lord, if you're watching this please kill me.

Rose makes a disgusts look and slowly she says, "Uhm... going 2 million once... 2 million going twice..."

"3 million."

Everyone gasped to see who bid the highest and it was Adrian Holland. He winked at me and I smiled back at with relief.

The old man got mad and said "3.5 million!"

Adrian yelled,"4.5 million."

Rose's mouth dropped and I see a lot of people are anticipating to see who is going to win. I see Enzo looking at me angrily. I squinted my eyes at him and giving him a signal to shush.

The old man slammed his hand on the table and shouted,"8 million!"

"Hahahahaha, you think you can win old man?" Adrian laughed. "12 MILLION DOLLARS!"

WHAT THE FUCK?! 12 MILLION DOLLARS!!! IS HE NUTS???? I looked at Enzo and his mouth dropped, as well as his parents. The old man was too horrified to the point he fainted and I looked at Rose to hurry up. "12 MILLION DOLLARS GOING ONCE! 12 MILLION DOLLARS GOING TWICE! AND SOLD! The highest bidder is Adrian Holland. Congratulations! All the ladies in the auction please go to partner and dance with them. The money will go to charity with the choice of the lady."

Adrian walks up to me and say,"I believe you owe me a dance."

"I sure do," I gave my hand to him. He walked us up to the dance floor. "I'll give you a heads up. I'm not a the best dancer so I might step on your toe."

He took my hand and said,"It's okay. I'll teach you. I'm the best teacher," he winks at me. Adrian's left hand went on my waist while the other hand was holding my hand. My other arm went over his shoulder and Adrian took the lead while I follow.

"Amoli, what do you do for living?"

I respond,"I'm an lawyer."

"Which law firm do you work for?"

"Who did I come with?" I winked at him and he realized I work at Callisto's Firm. "By the way, thank you for saving my ass earlier. Thanks to you, I didn't have to dance with a old ass man," I giggled. "But, 12 million dollars!! Damn that's a lot of money you spent."

He gave me a spin and pulled me back real quick. Our face was pretty close towards each other. I tried to look away but he held my chin and whispered in ears,"You are a work of art I want to dance with. I don't want anyone to have the privilege to dance with you but me." I gulped as he said those things to me. I see Enzo drinking his champagne while looking at us.

Adrian asked me where do I want him to donate the money, I told him to donate the money to college students that are struggling financially. We started talking about our worse dancing moments and he is a fun person to talk to. I felt much better after that uncomfortable auction ended. After our dance, I said,"Once again thank you so much for saving me."

He whispers, "No need to thank me beautiful," he hugged me. I was about to turn around,  but Adrian grabbed my left elbow and kissed my forehead. I felt someone grabbed my right elbow and pulled me away. I realized that it was Enzo. Ahhh shit! Shits are about to go down. He grabbed Adrian by the collar and punched his face.

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