Chapter 9:

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I'm on my way to work and I can't feel but a twisted knot on my stomach. Somehow, I feel like today won't be an easy day. At least, I covered up the hickeys with my turtleneck sweatshirt or else it would have been a struggle to cover it up with makeup. 

I entered the office very quickly and gave short greetings to Emma. I rushed towards my office, and Oliver and I have been working to prepare ourselves for the trial. It's my first case and I have to be extra prepared.

Oliver and I make our way to lunch until when Oliver greeted,"Yo Julian, long time no see. How was your vacation?" Oliver went up to the guy and dabbed him up.

"Wassup Oliver, good to see you man. I had mad fun spending time with my family at Puerto Rico. The heat and food was absolutely delicious." He looks at me and smile, "I'm sorry for being rude, my name is Julian. What about you?"

"You're all good. My name is Amoli and I'm a new family lawyer." We both handshake and Julian is a criminal lawyer of Callisto's company.

We sat down for lunch and having a great conversations about our cases. After 15 minutes, I saw how Enzo enter the cafeteria and many women are awed by him. Their eyes are sparkling like diamonds. One of the girls "accidentally" bumps into him. Damn this is corny and funny. She was blushing and he charismatically smiles at her. I see few women approaching him and trying to build conversations with him. Do I blame them? Not all all. Especially, he looks so good with that navy suit of his. His dimples are killers and charms are dangerous. No wonder his sister told me to be careful. After what happened yesterday, I just want more of him.

All of sudden, I started to feel cramps and I'm overheating. Oliver place his hand on my forehead and ask, "Are you feeling, okay? Your forehead is heating up and your cheeks are getting red." He let go of my face and I see Enzo approaching us with a worried look.

I groan,"Oliver, it's happening in right now."

His eyes are about to pop out from his eye sockets. "Wait! Right Now? Right Now!?"

"Right now! Right Now!"

Oliver started panicking and ask,"Do you have your backup and meds?!"

"I do!" I rushed out.


I see at Amoli running when she looked at me. Is she avoiding me? "Why did she rush out like that?"

Julian shrugs,"All I know Amoli and Oliver were giving codes to each other."

"She's not feeling well. I'm going to get her tea and chocolates before she murders me. So bye guys!" Oliver dashes out.

(Author's note: We all need a best friend like Oliver!)

Julian snorts,"Both of them are so weird and adorable. By the way, do you like Amoli?"

I raise my eyebrow,"Why do you ask?"

He shrugs,"Just curious. Anyways, I'm leaving."

That's strange. First, Amoli rushed out from the cafe. Then, Oliver panicked. Now, Julian is curious about my feelings for her. I'll just text and ask her what's going on.

I went inside my office and texted:

Me: Hey, what's wrong? Why did your face turned so red?
Amore: I got my period and I don't feel okay 🥺
Me: Do you want me to drop you off home right now and buy you soup :)
Amore: No, it's okay. I have to review for tomorrow's trial. I'll be okay :) thank you though
Me: Once you're done with work come to my office
Amore: Okay
Amore: Can you do me one favor
Me: Yes?
Amore: Actually never mind.
Me: Just tell me. Don't be shy about it ;) Do you want heating pads?
Amore: How do you know?
Me: Don't worry about it. I'll get it for you.
Amore: Thank you so much :')
Me: No problem


Awwww Enzo is so sweet. But fuck my life. I just got my period one day before the trial. Like bitch couldn't fucking wait two days later. Ughhh good thing I carried my pad and pain killers today or else I would have been dead.

"Ahhhh Donut! I got you chocolates and hot tea."

"Thank you Olive. My period is making me stress out because of the case," I respond with agony.

He massaged my shoulders and said,"Relax, you will be fine. I know you studied everything like crazy."

"I know and thank you for being there for me."

He let go of my shoulders and sat down on his seat. "Bruh it's the barest minimum. Come on let's finish up the review so that we can leave early."

"Okay." We both went back to work. After couple hours of review, we finally finished our work.

"Since we're done with work, wanna get Sushi?" Oliver asked.

"Not today Olive. I want to rest today. But I promise we will get Sushi tomorrow after the trial. Deal?"

He pouts,"Ugh fine. You don't spend time with me."

"Literally, I see your face everyday," I shake my head.

"Yeah yeah yeah. You better not cancel tomorrow."

"I won't, I promise." We both hugged each other and Oliver left first. He can't know that I'm going to meet our boss. The shit I have to do just to see Enzo.

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