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"Seriously, Ma! You won't talk to me because I won't get married to the guy of your choice!" I shouted.

"You don't understand. You have to get married. Who will take care of you when your dad and I are not there? The guy is rich, and he can take of you," said Ma.

I cried my whole heart and asked, "Do you not care how I feel at all? I'm not even financially ready. I'm in the middle of law school, you guys are pressuring me, and I'm not ready to get married to a stranger. Do you guys understand that I am capable of taking care of myself?" I look at them with a little bit of hope I have for them.

"No, you're not capable! Look at your sister, Divya! She got married when she was 25," my dad compared. "I don't even understand why you couldn't bring a guy of your choice home. It's not that bloody hard to date."

I felt my heart ripped off when dad said this. Doesn't he understand that I'm not ready to get married and that I'm emotionally hurt?

I sniffed and said, "The reason why I didn't bring anyone it's because my fucking ex cheated on me and married his friend a couple of days ago. I have trust issues right now. Didi got married to her high school sweetheart. She finished her college and financially stable. While, I'm in the middle of law school. She is not in debt like me. You know what? I'm done with this bullshit. I'm moving out."
( Didi = elder sister)

"Not every man is bad. You need to meet our friend's son. If you step a foot off from this house, I will forget that you're my daughter," Mom threaten.

"I am leaving. You guys don't even consider how I feel. It's always Didi is better than me. I'm never equal to her in your eyes. I love you guys, but I can't keep going on with this bullshit," as I walked into my room.

A few days later:

I have packed my things and left the house with Zoya. We both couldn't handle the pressure from our home. It was a struggle to balance school and working in minimum wage jobs. There were days when we both couldn't eat proper food, and we still didn't give up on each other. But in the end, it was all worth it when Zoya and I graduated from grad school.

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