Chapter 1:

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It was a chilly night in September. I took ten minutes to drive, and found a classy bar on the side. "Eh, I'm just gonna go in. Who cares if I have to spend some money."

I want to enjoy this very moment... all to myself. I can have one drink since I'm meeting my boss tomorrow for the first time.

I happily accepted this decision that I made and went into the bar. My mind will feel better after one drink.

As I entered the bar, I see the dim lights are complimenting the cherry wood floor. I hear the people talking in a subtle tone and playing pool. My god the smell is so divine a mixture of perfume and alcohol. I felt a bit intimidated as I saw many people dressed lavishly. In contrast, I am just wearing a simple beige satin dress. But oh well, I need my drink at this point, I thought to myself. I went to the bar table and sat down.

A beautiful bartender approached me and she asked," Hey girl, my name is Rose and I'll be your server today. What can I get you?"

"Something sweet but nothing too crazy because I have a meeting with my boss tomorrow."

"Got it." She replied. As she left, I see a couple sitting together at a booth and being all affectionate towards each other. The guy held his girl's head and kissed her forehead. Her face turned red and she buried her head on his chest and put her arm around him. Somehow, I felt a dagger in my heart because I shared my love with someone in the past.

"You seem upset about something."

I turned around to see it was a handsome man sitting next to me. He was tall, black hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He had clean shaved face and telling by his body he is definitely tall. His shoulders were board. God, his cologne smells so divine and expensive. Woah, the tattoos on his hands are beautiful. I wonder if he has more tattoos.

"You see that beautiful couple there," I pointed out. "I can't help but to feel envious because at one point I was in love with someone."

Rose came over to us and gave us our drinks. I got my raspberry martini while he got a glass of whiskey.

"How long has it been?" he asked.

I took a sip of my drink and said,"It's been a year and half. He cheated on me with his best friend and got married to her after we broke up."

"What the hell?!" He slammed his hand on the table with shock. "He is an asshole and you didn't deserve that. Karma will bite his ass. How can anyone cheat on a beautiful woman like you?" He smiled.

"Aren't you charming?" I chuckled. He's too kind with his words. "At least when he left my life, I had time to focus on law school."

"Where did you go for law school?" He asked.

"I went to Columbia Law School and earned my JD. I had signed a contract at a law firm after I graduated."

"Woah, Columbia?! That's impressive."

"Awwww, thank you. Hopefully, my one-year contract turns out to be permanent." I chuckled as I sipped my drink.

"It will be permanent. Have trust and faith within yourself."

I look at him and gave him a soft smile. "It's sweet coming from a stranger," I replied.

"Well then, we won't be strangers if we become friends."

"Hmmm...I don't know. You can be a serial killer on the low and I'm your next victim."

"Wow, a serial killer?," He looks so offended. "Is that what you think of me, Amore?"
(Amore = Love)

"Oh god, please don't be corny right now," I rolled my eyes while he laughed at my agony.

"That's your new name, Amore"

"Thanks," I said sarcastically.

He ask,"If I get into trouble, will you save me?"

"Depends how much you're paying me." I winked.

He leans in and smirk,"Oh really? Your worth is expensive."

I lean in a bit closer and look down at his luscious lips. "Obviously. Well, I finished my drink." I got up and paid for my drink and his as well.

"Hey, why did you paid for my drink?" He looked confused.

"It's my treat since you listened to my depressing story. I need to go home right now because I have a meeting tomorrow at 11am and I hate waking up on Monday."

"Before you leave, may I know your name?"

"It's Amoli. Yours?" I asked back.

"My name is Enzo. So you're not telling me your last name?"

Mmmmm Enzo. What a beautiful name.

"I'll tell you when we each other again." I have to be a little mysterious or else where is the fun in that?

"How do you know we will meet each other?"

I look at him,"I have a feeling about it."

"Can we dance to this song before you leave?" He got up.

"I'm sorry Enzo. But I have to go." He is making the me the puppy face and his eyes starts to twinkle.

As always I give in. "Fine. Just five minutes and I will leave. You're lucky that I love Heaven by Julia Michaels."

"Shall we?" He gestured.

He took my hand and held me by the waist and I put my arm around his shoulder.

"By the way, how tall are you?" I asked.

He reply, "I'm 6'3. What about you?"

"I'm 5'5. Must be nice to be tall."

"I'm not that tall. There are other people whose taller than me."

"Oh shush. You're taller than me." I rolled my eyes.

We let the rhythm control our movements. We kept staring at each other's eyes and somehow it felt like we were the only people in the bar. I tiptoe and put my arms around his broad shoulders. "Thank you Enzo for this beautiful evening."

He wraps his arms around my waist. "Don't thank me." He held my chin and kissed my forehead. Ahhh I feel my cheeks heating up.

We both kept hugging each other that felt like a long time. He smells divine right now. Ughhh what a pain.

I pull away and say, "I must go now. I have a big day tomorrow."

He sighs,"When I will I see you?"

"Tomorrow at the same time?" I suggested.

"Okay," he agreed and we exchanged numbers.

As I walked away, I felt his eyes staring at me. I never expected to have such a beautiful night after a long time. For some reason he gives a positive feeling.

My Darling Callisto Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang