Chapter 4:

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KNOCK! KNOCK! "Come in, Ms.Ravel."

All of a sudden, my heart starts to beat fast. Why am I getting nervous around Lorenzo? I wasn't worried when I met him at the bar. "Hello, Mr.Callisto. Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine, Ms.Ravel. I want to ask you a question if you don't mind."

"Sure, ask away."

He loosen his tie and ask,"What's your type?"

"Pardon?" I was caught off guard.

"What's your type?" He asked again.

"Why do you care, Mr.Callisto?" I crossed my arms.

He got up from his seat and walks toward me. He leans towards me and I just had to loose my balance. He grabbed my waist and pulls me into his chest. Gosh, my heels had to betray me today.

"Enzo, this is not professional." I look around to see if anyone was there.

I tried to push him away, but he held me tighter. "I make the rules here, Amore."

"You're my boss right now, and what if your sister see us together? This is not professional."

"Why are your cheeks turning red?" He smirked. "Are you nervous?"

"Uhm, no. You just caught me off guard."

He put my hair behind my ear and whispers, "Who knew that innocent face of yours could bring hell on people."

"There is a saying that it's usually the innocent ones that brings Hell on earth," I scoffed.

"I agree you can bring Hell to my world," sending shivers to my spine.

KNOCK! KNOCK! "ENZO!! I AM HERE!!" Some high pitched girl walks into the room. "WHAT THE IS GOING ON HERE AND WHY ARE YOU HOLDING HER?"

He lets go of me and act like nothing happen here. This Bastard has a girlfriend?!

He sighs, "Crystal, what are you doing here?"

"Uhm, did you forget that we have dinner together?" She was giving me the evil eye and gave a judgmental look. "Who are you, and why are you with my man?"

I crossed my arms, "Excuse me? First of all, I'm not interested in your man. Second of all, I was about to fall and Mr.Callisto caught me."

"You better not be interested in him." She grabs his arm while he looked so disinterested.

"I'll be on my way out." I feel so angry yet upset about this situation. God, I am so stupid for letting him get to me. Enjoy your evening, Asshole.


I saw Amoli walk away with anger, and now she will think Crystal is my girlfriend.

I removed Crystal's arms and ask, "Crystal, what the hell? Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" She said it oblivious way. She tried to wrap her arms around me, and I pushed her away.

"You know I'm in love with you, and yet your heart doesn't accept it. WHY CAN'T YOU LOVE ME?!" She yelled. I see her fist getting tight, and her face is getting red.

"For fuck sake, we only fuck each other, and that's it. You agreed none of us catch feelings for each other. All of a sudden, you're in love with me?!" I laughed.

"So what?! Us making love meant something for me," she started to break down on the sofa hysterically. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at me psychotically. "If I can't have you, no can't else have you as well. That includes that little whore I saw. You belong to me."

"Get out of my office now. Go near her, I will destroy you."

"Mmmmm.... Hahahahaha..... Bye, Enzo." She gave air kisses and left.

"Fucking psycho. Why the fuck did I sleep with this annoying bitch? Now, Amoli will think I'm dating the psycho. Fuck my life and dick."

RING!!! RING!!! Now what?! "Hello!?"

"Who pissed on your food, my dear Fratello?"
(Fratello: Brother)

"Oh hey, Emery, who else would it be? Crystal came over to piss me off."

She sighed and said," Sometimes, I question your poor choice of women. Anyways, could you come over to my office? We have to discuss some business deals."

"On my way right now." At least this will keep me distracted for a while.

My Darling Callisto Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant