Chapter 11:

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Today is my first trial and Oliver is coming with me as my support. I been waiting for my first official trail since the day I finished law school. I feel the excitement and not one fear I have in mind.

Few hours later: I won my first trail!!! Confidence at its finest level.

"Such an embarrassment," I stated. "I can't believe it the idiot expect his father to cater him forever."

"Seeing his tantrums is the highlight of my day," Oliver chuckled. "By the way, are we getting Sushi today at Pink Nori?"

"Obviously, let's treat ourselves with sushi and Saké. By the way, I told Zoya to come because it's her day off and she's been dying to go to Pink Nori."

He nodded and we both drove for 30 minutes to reach Pink Nori. We went inside the restaurant and Zoya came five minutes later. Both of introduced themselves and I caught Oliver secretly staring at Zoya. Ahhh interesting.

"Zoya," she looks up at Oliver. "Tell me about yourself."

"I'm 25 years old and I was born in Bangladesh. I came to NYC when I was in fourth grade. I'm an PA at NYU's hospital. What about you Oliver?" She looked into his eyes for him to answer her questions. Ahhh getting to know each other already hehehehe.

"I'm 26 years old. I was born in Brooklyn and my parents are Korean. I'm a lawyer at Callisto's law firm. Are you single by the way?"

Zoya grins at him and reply, "Hmmm? Why do you ask Oliver?"

"Oh.... I ..... Uhmm.... Just curious," he stuttered shyly. "I'm single by the way."

She looks at his face and giggles, "Awwww Oliver, aren't you a handsome little sheep? But yes, I'm single."

I see Oliver and Zoya into each other's souls. "Ahem," I cleared my throat.

"Donut, are you seeing someone?" Oliver questioned.

"Yeah....Myself," I flipped my hair. "Nobody is worthy of me."

"I don't know. You seem bit off when our boss Lorenzo comes. I feel like there's some chemistry between you guys. Every day he would call you into his office after your work is done," he explained his analysis.

Zoya squeezed my hand signaling that fuck I'm screwed. I laugh,"Hahaha, Chemistry?! You're bugging out. There is no chemistry between us. Only Professionalism that's all," I have to change the change the topic before he gets too suspicious.

"Professionalism my ass. Zoya, the amount of time her face blushed when our boss was around us," he rolled his eyes.

"Ahhh really? Please explain, I'm fascinated about this," Zoya insisted.

He loosen up his tie and gives me a devilish look,"Lorenzo and Donut have this impeccable chemistry. I caught him a bunch of time staring at Donut when she was talking to me. He even got worried about her yesterday. Her eyes would glow up every time he would be around her."

"Uhm no," I denied.

"Just admit it you have a crush on him. I'm fucking pretty sure he has a crush on you."

I roll my eyes,"Please stop before I barf."

"You swear on our friendship you don't like him?" He shows me his pinky.

I give him the death stare while he's giving me the puppy eyes. "Olive, fuck you and no I do not swear."

He shouts, "I KNEW IT!"

"Ughhh stopppp..... it's just a crush and it will die quickly."

"Yeah okay," Zoya disagreed.

I sigh,"If Lorenzo's sister finds out about my forbidden crush, I'm pretty sure she will fire me or even better sue me for millions of dollars."

"Dude, don't worry. I'll save you from Emery if I can," he laughed. "Even, she scares the living shit out of me."

"Hahaha, how heroic of you," I snarled.

"But, be careful around him. He's the biggest fuck boy of New York City," he warned.

"I know Olive. I'll protect my heart." If I can.

Three of us enjoyed our dinner and all of us went back home. What an successful day. Now, Oliver will tease the living shit out of me about Enzo. Ugh what a drag.

My Darling Callisto Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon