I Need A Helping Hand

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Chloe has been in the hospital for three days and this was her last chance at accepting help before she was admitted in a more permanent basis. Looking at Doctor Rodriguez sitting across from her, she knew she had to tell the psychiatrist what was going on in her head that led her to try and take her own life.

But how do you tell someone that you hate yourself for what happened to you? How guilty she felt about not trying to get away more often? Or how she blamed herself for losing her child? How she hated knowing that Jensen most likely hated her for losing the baby and that that was why she refused to look him, or anyone else for that matter, in the eyes?

She knew everyone pitted her for what had happened, and she couldn't stand that. She didn't want other people's pity. All of that was what led her to the edge, but what pushed her over was something so stupid. She was fully aware of that. Under normal circumstances, hearing Jensen ask her to seek out help and find a therapist wouldn't had been a big deal, but for some reason it felt to her as if he was telling her she was crazy or that what she was feeling should've been gone long ago.

So, she lashed out. He didn't deserve it, she knew that. He had been nothing but understanding and kind to her from the moment she was rescued, but for some reason all she could hear was that she was broken and that he didn't want to take the time to help her get her pieces back together, instead shipping her off to a therapist.

That was what made her snap. She knew JJ wasn't home, so when he stormed out, she did the only thing she could think of to make the pain, hers and everyone else's, stop. But now, looking back, hearing how panicked Gen sounded when she found her and how broken Jensen's voice was as he asked her to hold on and not give up, it killed her knowing she had done that to them.

Chloe told all of this to Doctor Rodriguez. The good doctor simply nodded and scribbled something in her notebook as she listened intently to what Chloe had to say. When Chloe was done, the doctor told her what she believed she had. Depression due to trauma.

Chloe agreed. She knew what the symptoms were, probably better than most, due to having seen them in Jared throughout the years. She knew she needed help and that was tough to admit. Chloe agrees to find a therapist, already knowing she could count on Jared's help for that.

A few more days and Chloe was heading home. Sitting in the car, watching the city rush by her window, she managed to breath for the first time since this whole thing started. Looking back at Jensen, she knew she was going to have a long road ahead to regain his trust.

They got to the house and the moment she had been fearing since she had left the hospital was there. She knew who was waiting for her inside and she was worried about what might happen. Feeling Jensen's hand on her arm, she looked back at him and saw him giving her a supportive smile. Nodding back at him, she got out the car and walked the few steps to the front door.

She had just touched the doorknob when the door flew open and two arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her into a tight hug. Looking down, she saw JJ's dark blonde head and heard the small sobs that were coming from her. Hugging her back, she kissed the top of her head and led them both inside, Jensen right behind.

Coming into the living room, Chloe saw Jared and Gen there, as well as the boys. Sitting down across from them, she knew there was a tough conversation ahead, but before anyone could say anything, Chloe decided to speak first.

She cleared her throat and began apologizing for everything. Telling them she never intended to hurt any of them, she told them she thought she could handle things on her own but as come to realize that, if she was going to get better, she couldn't do it alone.

She asked Jared if he was still willing to introduce her to his therapist, to which Jared told her that she already has an appointment the next morning. Chloe smiled softly, thanking him. She apologized again and soon everyone was wrapping her in a group hug.

For the first time since she had come home from her ordeal, she truly felt loved and like everything was going to be okay.

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