A Sweet Mix-Up

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Sitting on the couch, making time for the washing machine to end, Chloe was watching some mind-numbing show on tv to pass the time. Thinking back on the last few days, she couldn't help but smile. They had spent some time at the lake, as well as having some one-on-one days with each other and life was good. She was interrupted from her thoughts by the doorbell ringing. Getting up, she wondered who it might be, since she wasn't expecting anyone.

Looking through the peephole on the door, she saw a delivery guy. Chloe opened the door and after signing for a small box and thanking the young man, she brought the box inside, taking it to the kitchen.

Searching the drawers for a scissor, she quickly found one and opened the box. Inside was a cute bear-shaped box of chocolates. Chloe smiled, knowing it had been Jensen who send it. After taking the box of chocolates out, she searched the outside box for a card, but found nothing.

For a second, she questioned if it had really been Jensen who sent them, but pushed those thoughts away given how ridiculous they were. "Of course, it was Jensen. Who else would it be?", she thought while chuckling at her own silliness.

Chloe grabbed her phone and dialed his number. After two rings, he picked up.

- "Hey beautiful."

- "Hey handsome. How's your day going?"

- "Boring. I wish I could be home with my girls. How's yours?"

- "Just doing the usual chores. Wishing you were here too. Thank you, by the way."

- "For what?"

- "The chocolates. I love them. But if you don't mind, I'm gonna wait for everyone to be home, so we can eat them together."

- "Okay...? Babe, as much as I would love to get the credit for that, I didn't send any chocolates."

- "You didn't?"

- "No. You know what? It was probably Jared messing with you. He's probably planning something so he's sending the chocolates to butter you up, so you won't say no."

- "Yep, that sounds like something he would do." – Chloe laughed.

- "Listen, I'll call him, and I'll let you know what's up. Sounds good?"

- "Yes, thank you. Let me know what he wants. Depending on what it is, I might just ask for another one of these boxes as payment."

- "You're terrible, babe. I'll call him right now. Talk in a bit. Love you."

- "Alright. Love you too."

Chloe hung up, chuckling, now fully convinced that Jared was up to something, and he needed her help. It was the only reason why he would send chocolates to her. What other explanation is there?

Across town, Jensen hung up the call with Chloe and quickly dialed his best friend's number. Three rings and Jared's voice came through, as clear as day.

- "Hey, brother. What's up?"

- "Hey, man. Listen, I got a question for you."

- "Sure. What do you need?"

- "Did you send Chloe a box of chocolates today?"

- "No. Why would I?"

- "You sure you didn't send it? Maybe to butter her up for something?"

- "Jay, I'm telling you, I didn't send Chloe anything. Why you ask?"

- "Chloe got a delivery of a box of chocolates, and she thought they were from me, so she called me to thank me. Only, I didn't send them. Obviously, I thought it had been you. I mean, it's not like it would be the first time you would do something like that before asking her for a big favor. It's like a thing between the two of you."

- "Yeah, I can see why you would immediately assume they came from me, but I swear I didn't send them, Jay. Do you think that maybe it was a wrong delivery?"

- "She had to sign for them, I mean, I think she had. Either way, if that was the case, she would've seen the right address on the box, right?"

- "I guess you're right."

- "Okay, look, let's not read too much into this. Maybe it was a fan that sent them and was worried we would be mad. Just do me a favor."

- "Anything, man."

- "If Chloe asks, just say that they were from you. I'll tell her the same thing. Do you mind? I just don't want her to freak out over this. After what happened last year, I don't want to worry her about what's possibly nothing, you know?"

- "I hear you. And don't worry, I'll say it was me. But a word of advice? Keep your eyes and ears open. I don't like the sound of this. We'll do the same."

- "I will, Jared. Thanks, man. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love ya."

- "Alright, brother. We'll talk tomorrow. Love ya, man."

Jensen hung up the call, now feeling uneasy over the whole situation. Who would send Chloe chocolates other than himself or Jared? If it had been any other friend of theirs, they would've sent a card or even call or text her, but there was nothing of the sort. So, again, who could possibly be?

He quickly texted Chloe, letting her know that it had been in fact Jared. She answered almost immediately, telling him that she was gonna make Jared suffer for whatever it was that he wanted, making him chuckle.

Jensen hated lying to her. The most important rule in their home was to always tell the truth, no matter how much it would hurt to do so. And there he was, breaking that same rule. However, in all fairness, he was only doing it to protect her. But protect her from what exactly? He didn't know.

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