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It has been three days since Chloe had been taken, and after the initial arguments on her first day there, for the last two, things had been calm.

Chloe had a plan. She was going to pretend to go along with whatever her captor wanted from her, to a certain extent of course, and try and convince him to leave the basement and move upstairs. Once there, she would try to escape at the first opportunity she got. It was a simple plan, but if she played her cards right, and with a little bit of luck, she just might be able to pull it off.

He had been spending more time with her in the basement, in a clear attempt to make her feel comfortable around him. She also noticed that the last few times he had been down there, he had tried to make things romantic between them, going as far as bringing her flowers. Chloe wanted nothing more than to tell him to shove the flowers where the sun didn't shine, but she bit her tongue and thanked him, giving him the fakest smile she had ever given anyone.

That was where she was in that moment, sitting on the bed with him across from her, telling her some story about his past. Chloe wished she could just tell him to shut up and stop trying to get close to her, but she couldn't. Her own survival and that of her child depended on how good of an actress she could be, and thanks to a few tricks she had learned while watching Jensen work on the show, she was certain she could fool him, for a little while at least.

She saw him smile, so she smiled back, not really sure what he had said, since she had been so lost in her own thoughts. She knew she had to focus on him, just in case he asked her something, and not a moment too soon.

- "Do you know when was the first time I saw you?"

- "No."

- "It was about a year ago. I was scrolling through Instagram, and someone reposted a photo that little punk had posted and there you were. So beautiful, so... perfect, but with such sad eyes. I quickly searched for the original post and read the caption that said that you were now a couple. I knew then I had to save you from that no-talent douchebag. And now here you are, my perfect little doll."

Chloe thought she was going to be sick. Hearing that man talking about Jensen that way and discovering that he had been planning this for at least a year, it made her want to throw up. Still, the memory of that photo made her smile to herself. She knew exactly what photo he was talking about.


Chloe was watching JJ doing laps in the pool, sitting on the edge, when Jensen walked up and sat next to her, placing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close, kissing the side of her head. She let her head rest on his shoulder and kept watching JJ, until he spoke.

- "I think is time we tell everyone we're together."

- "Everyone already knows, Jay."

- "Not everyone."

- "Wait, you're talking about the fans?"

- "Yeah, I mean, they're the only ones who don't know it yet, and it's bound to come out anyway. I would rather have them hear it from us, than from some tabloid."

- "I guess you're right, but..."

- "What is it?"

- "What if they don't like us being together?"

- "Babe, they are going to be okay with it. Besides, they have known you are a part of our family for years. You know I talked about you before at conventions and such, I'm pretty sure some of them have already commented that we have been together for years, so... This would just make it official."

- "You're right. So, do you have an idea on how to do it?"

- "Well, why don't we take a photo, the three of us, and in the caption, I'll write that we are officially together?"

- "Okay. That works, I guess."

Present Day

Biting her tongue, so not to give away how happy the memory made her, she smiled softly to him before answering.

- "I wished I had met you then."

- "Right. Just like when you met me just three months ago and still got yourself pregnant by that piece of shit." – he says, just as he hit her across her face, making her yelp in pain and tears to gather in her eyes.

And just like that, like a flash of lightning, a snippet of a memory flashed in her mind as clear as day.


Walking around the different vendors' tables, Chloe was impressed with the talent all those people had. Necklaces, earrings, rings, amongst other things, all Supernatural related and all amazing. Chloe was in awe. Looking back at JJ, she saw she wasn't the only one amazed at all the different things.

They had just finished buying a couple of bracelets that said "bitch" and "jerk" when someone bumped into her.

- "I'm so sorry, miss. I wasn't looking."

- "That's alright. I wasn't either." – Chloe said to the man in front of her, with a small, apologetic smile.

- "I'm sorry to ask this, but you're Chloe, right? Jensen's girlfriend?"

- "That's right. I take it you're a fan of the show?"

- "Yes, from the very first episode. If I may, I have to say you're even more beautiful in person."

- "Thank you. You're very kind."

The conversation was cut short by JJ reminding Chloe they had to go, or they would be late to meet up with Jensen before his next panel. Chloe apologized and thanked him for being a fan before leaving.

Present Day

- "It's you. The man from the convention."

He didn't answer, he just kept hitting her as if she was nothing. Chloe did her best to protect herself, but it was no use. He was stronger and faster and soon enough darkness took over.

Once the man realized Chloe had passed out, he stopped hitting her, straightening himself up. Looking down at her, he knew it was a matter of time before she remembered who he was, but he had hoped it had been sooner. He hoped he didn't have to hit her, but he needed to make sure she forgot about that punk. Jensen didn't deserve her, and he could never make her happy.

"She'll learn. She'll see that I'm the only one who can make her happy.", he thought before leaving her and the dark basement behind.

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