Little Do You Know

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There was a constant beeping just to her left that bothered her. Chloe wasn't sure what the beeping was, but she wished it would stop. Slowly opening her eyes, she quickly shut them close when the bright light above her almost blinded her.

"Where am I?", she thought, as the beeping continued. She tried moving, but it made her hurt. Grunting from the sudden pain, she heard movement next to her and a hand softly grabbing hers.

Forcing her eyes open once again, she looked over to where whoever was holding her hand was. That's when she saw him. Jensen. A wave of relief and shame washed over her and that was when she realized she was in the hospital.

Jensen was half a sleep on a chair next to Chloe's hospital bed, when he thought he had heard something. Standing up, he walked over to her, gently grabbing her hand, and that's when he saw them, her beautiful brown eyes looking straight at him.

Tears flooded his eyes, as he couldn't contain the sigh of relief that escaped his lips. Pressing the call button to get a nurse, he asked her if she was okay. She didn't answer, simply nodding yes, before slowly pulling her hand away from his. Jensen didn't understand why she had done that, but when he was about to ask, he was interrupted by a nurse answering the call button, along with Chloe's doctor.

Seeing Chloe awake, the doctor asked Jensen to wait outside so he could check how Chloe was doing. Jensen did as requested, leaving the room with a feeling that something wasn't quite right. Chloe pulling her hand away from him had made him wonder about what had really happened while she was missing.

Chloe watched as the doctor checked her vitals, followed simple commands, and answered a few questions. She wasn't sure how bad it was, and she needed to know.

- "Do you have any questions, Miss Williams?"

- "How bad is it?"

- "You have a couple of broken ribs, which are healing nicely. Full body bruising that has also been healing very well."

- "Doctor, will I be able to have children?" – she needed to know.

- "Miss Williams, I think we need to focus on healing everything else first, before we talk about that."

- "You're talking about my mind."

- "I am. I'm going to refer you to a colleague of mine, so she can make an assessment of your mental state. Is that okay?"

- "Whatever you want, doctor."

And with that, Chloe stopped talking. She didn't need to talk to anyone about what was going on in her mind, she could deal with that herself. All she needed to know was if she could still have kids. It was bad enough knowing that Liam had killed her baby, but if he had managed to prevent her from ever having children of her own, then he might as well had killed her when he had the chance.

Chloe watched the doctor leave her room, followed by the nurse, after telling her that he was going to let Jensen know he could come in and the detective that she was awake. She just nodded, not knowing what to say.

Jensen was leaning against the wall opposite Chloe's room, when he saw her doctor coming out.

- "You can go in if you'd like, Mr. Ackles."

- "How is she, doctor?"

- "Well, physically, she's getting better. I'm sure that in a few days, if she keeps progressing like this, I'll be able to send her home."

- "You said physically."

- "Yes. While Miss Williams is physically healing well, mentally I believe is not the same."

- "How so?"

- "Miss Williams went through a lot while she was held captive. Now, we don't know the circumstances that led to her injuries, but it is safe to say that something like this leaves its scars, and they aren't always physical."

- "What can we do, then?"

- "For my part, I'm going to refer her to a colleague who's going to do a full assessment of her mental state and how we can help her."

- "And me, our family?"

- "Just give her some time and space. Make sure she knows you're there for her, but don't force anything."

- "Got it. Thank you, doctor."

- "Of course. You can go inside whenever you're ready."

And with that, Jensen watched the doctor walk away. Jensen took a deep breath, as he grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open. Walking into the room, Chloe was still sitting up, looking at her hands. He sat down on the same chair he had been before and waited. But it seemed as if she didn't even know or care that he was there.

A few hours later and there was a knock on the door. Jensen got up and opened it, seeing detective Jones on the other side. Greeting the detective and letting him in the room, Jensen followed him to where Chloe was.

The detective was kind, talking to Chloe in a mild-manner way and making sure she was okay to answer some questions. Jensen was thankful for that, the last thing he wanted was to put Chloe through more pain.

He heard the detective ask if Chloe was okay with Jensen being in the room or if she wanted to be alone. Jensen looked at her and heard her say that it was okay, not lifting her eyes from her hands. For a moment he considered leaving, but he wanted to know what had happened to her.

Standing by the foot of the bed, Jensen prepared himself for what Chloe was about to tell them. But the more she told them, the more he realized he wasn't prepared at all. Hearing all the things that Liam put her through, how he had killed their baby and how she had to deal with everything on her own, made his blood boil, his hands rolled into fists and his knuckles turning white as the anger inside of him rose.

Chloe told them everything, never raising her eyes from her hands. By the time she was done, both men looked at each other, not sure of what to say. The detective cleared his throat and thanked her for being so open and honest about everything.

Chloe nodded, but kept her eyes lowered. She didn't want to see the looks of pity and sadness in their faces. She didn't need them. She was perfectly capable of moving on by herself. She was going to make it through by herself.

She heard Jensen thank the detective for coming and walking him to the door, before coming back and sitting on the same chair the detective had been on. "Now he knows.", she thought, sure that if she looked at him, she would see pity in his eyes. So, she kept her eyes on her hands before sliding down and trying to get some rest.

But if Chloe had looked, she wouldn't see pity in Jensen's eyes. She would see pride, love, compassion, and strength. He loved her and now hearing all that she went through and how she had managed to stay strong the whole time, made him love her even more.

Jensen sat in silence, while Chloe tried to get some rest. After all she went through, it was amazing to him how she was still standing. He always knew she was strong, and this just confirmed that. Now, it was time to heal and move forward.

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