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TW: Smut

Being home is always the best feeling in the world. That's how it felt for Chloe. They had been back for a couple days, settling back into their routine and enjoying their time together.

Chloe was in the kitchen, getting a pitcher of lemonade to take to the side of the pool, when the house phone rang. Picking it up from the kitchen counter, Chloe answered it.

- "Hello?"

No answer.

- "Hello? Who's this?"

Chloe heard the line go dead. Whoever was calling had hung up, leaving Chloe wondering what that was all about. Thinking it was possibly a wrong number type of call, she left the phone on the counter and grabbed the pitcher to go out into the backyard, but something made her stop. There was that feeling again, the feeling of someone watching her.

She looked over her shoulder towards the living room windows but didn't see anyone outside. She shook her head, trying to brush the feeling away before going outside. The last thing she wanted was to worry Jensen about something that, in her mind, made no sense. She thought she was probably still remembering the convention, so she ignored her feelings and met up with Jensen and JJ by the pool, spending the rest of the day laughing at their shenanigans.

Later that night, long after JJ had gone to bed, Chloe was laying in bed waiting for Jensen while he's getting ready for bed. Jensen walked in the room and Chloe couldn't help but admire the man's physique. Wearing just a pair of flannel pants and nothing else, Chloe couldn't stop the sinful thoughts that ran through her mind.

Jensen laid next to her, steading himself up on his arm, as he kissed her softly, a kiss that soon turned into a full make-out session. Kissing down her neck until he found her sweet spot, Jensen gently placed himself between her legs, while kissing her more passionately.

Chloe's hands were running up and down his back, pulling him closer to her. She started rubbing herself on him, feeling him fully erect, making her moan in anticipation. That was his cue to move his hips into her, pressuring her entrance and bringing out an even louder moan from her and a low growl from him.

Jensen didn't want to wait any longer. Making quick work on her underwear and on his own clothes, he soon was aligning himself with her entrance, rubbing the tip of his cock along her entrance, teasing her and making her want him even more.

Chloe had enough of teasing, she wanted him. Begging him to fuck her, she felt him comply, his cock filling her up completely. She dug her nails on his back, her back arched in pure pleasure but in anticipation as well. She knew want was about to happen and she wanted it, all of it.

Jensen started moving, once he was sure she had adjusted, slowly at first, wanting to prolong the pleasure as much as possible. Kissing her deeply, he told her he loved her and heard her saying the same to him. It didn't take long after that for them to pick up some speed and soon be hitting their peak together.

Jensen laid next to her, pulling her close, while making sure she was okay. She looked up at him and said she was fine and that she loved him. He kissed her softly and said the same to her, pulling her to a bear hug and peppering her face with quick kisses, making her laugh. Eventually, sleep started to lay claim on them, and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, Chloe was in the kitchen making breakfast when Jensen walked in, followed by JJ.

- "Good morning." – Chloe said, with a smile.

- "Good morning, love."

- "'Morning, mom." – A still very sleepy JJ answered as well.

- "So, what's the plan for today?"

- "I have to go to the brewery for the day. There are a few things I need to take care of. I know we were supposed to go out and spend the day on the lake, but I have to go in. I'm sorry, girls." – Jensen said, feeling bad about having to cancel their day on the lake.

- "It's okay, Jay. I'm sure JJ and I can think of something to do today, right sweet pea?"

- "Yeah, dad. Don't worry. We can go out tomorrow if you don't have to work." – JJ said, already thinking of asking Chloe to have a girl's day out, just the two of them.

- "Thank you, ladies." – Jensen answered, kissing both ladies on the head, relieved they weren't upset about him cancelling their day.

The next few minutes were spent eating breakfast and making plans, not only for the day, but for their outing to the lake as well. Soon, Jensen had to leave for work, something he wished he didn't have to do, but there were a few things that required his attention back at the brewery and he really needed to take care of those if he was going to be able to spend the rest of the summer with his girls.

Getting in the car, Jensen thought back on his relationship with Chloe and how she and JJ had grown even closer over the past year. Yes, they had been close since Chloe had started working for him when JJ was only four-years-old, but since they had become a couple, it seemed that JJ and Chloe's relationship had become even stronger. It was wonderful to see.

Jensen spent the day at the brewery, working, only stopping to have lunch with his girls, who had decided to surprise him and drop by for lunch. The day had been long, and he couldn't wait to get home and just relax with Chloe and JJ.

Walking out to his car, he noticed something was wrong. Taking a closer look, he saw that he had two flat tires. No, not flat, slashed. Raking a hand through his hair and letting out a sigh, he quickly called a tow truck and his mechanic, before calling Chloe.

- "Hey, babe. Are you on your way home?"

- "Not yet, love. Someone slashed two tires on my car. I'm waiting for the tow truck to take it to the mechanic, and I'll get an Uber from there."

- "What? Who would do something like that?"

- "I don't know. We had a couple of rowdy costumers today, maybe one of them didn't like getting thrown out and did this in retaliation. Either way, I'll be a little later than I thought. I'm sorry, sweetheart."

- "Don't worry. Just take care of that and come home. JJ and I will wait for you. We were going to order pizza anyway, so..."

- "Okay, babe, thanks. Look, the tow truck is here. I'll call you when I'm on my way. Love you."

- "Love you too. Be safe."

Jensen hung up and went to talk to the tow truck driver, letting him know where to take the car to. Sitting in the passenger seat of the tow truck, Jensen kept thinking about who could do something like that but came up empty. He really had no idea. Brushing it off and settling on this being the work of someone who was drunk, he watched the road ahead and wished he was headed home and not to a mechanic to fix his car.

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