Who You Are

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Sitting in the Ackles' living room, Jones knew he had a real lead in his hands. Hopefully, the family would help tie up the few loose ends he had, and he could go from there and find Chloe.

- "I have something I need you to look at, if that's okay." – Jones tells everyone, as he pulls a photo from a file and hands it to Jensen. – "Do you know this man?"

The photo was passed around, no one recognizing the man, until it got to JJ's hands.

- "Wait, I know him."

- "You do?" – Jensen asked, confused.

- "Yeah, we met him... Where was it? Oh, it was on the last convention. We were at the vendors' room. I think he bumped into mom, I heard them talk for a bit, but then I told mom we had to go because we were getting late to meet you."

- "That was probably the first contact. It's usual in cases like these." – Jones told them, now fully convinced this was a stalker case. – "Was that the only time you saw him?"

- "Yes. No, wait. I saw him outside mom's doctor's office. I didn't recognize him then, but it was definitely him."

- "Who the hell is this guy, detective?" – Jensen questioned the detective, now pissed off at this guy.

- "This is Liam Johnson. He is from San Francisco, where he worked as a translator. He is originally from Italy, and he changed his name when he came to the US. He is forty-years-old, single, with no kids, and as far as we can find, he doesn't have a criminal record. We are looking into any properties in his name, as well as any vehicles. As soon as we have that, I already have a judge waiting to sign the necessary warrants. It will only be a matter of time before we find him and Miss Chloe."

- "How long will that take?"

- "I'll be honest with you, I don't know, but rest assure that as soon as I know something, you'll be my first call."

Jones stood up and shook everyone's hands before leaving. Walking back to his car, he could feel he was a step closer to finding Chloe. He knew who the man was, he knew how they had met, the only thing left was where the hell this guy was.

There was one other thing he knew: he wouldn't stop until he could reunite Chloe with her family.

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