Words Fail

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TW: Mentions of Sexual Assault

Was she dreaming already? She could swear she knew that voice, a voice that was screaming her name as if their life depended on it. She had to be dreaming, because her eyes became heavier and heavier and soon, she couldn't keep them open any longer, allowing sleep to take over her like a warm blanket.

Running up to the back of the ambulance, Jensen watched as Chloe was loaded inside, telling the paramedics who he is. The paramedics looked back at the detective who gave them the okay for Jensen to ride with them.

Sitting down where he could be out of the way of the paramedic treating Chloe, Jensen saw just how bad Chloe looked. He could see multiple bruises where her dress didn't cover her body, and he could only imagine what the rest of her body might've looked like. He couldn't stop the shiver that run down his spine at the thought.

The paramedic asked him if he knew if Chloe had any allergies or medical conditions he should be aware of, and it was then that Jensen told him that she was pregnant. At least, he hoped she still was. It scared him to think that, after all that time, something could've happened to the baby.

He hated having to think like that, but he would rather expect the worst and be relieved that it didn't happen, than be hopeful and then be disappointed. Jensen knew that if his worst fears were to come true, it would kill a part of not only himself, but of Chloe as well.

They got to the hospital and Chloe was quickly taken inside to get examined. Jensen was right behind them but was stopped by a nurse telling him he couldn't go any further and to wait in the waiting room. He stood there, watching Chloe being rushed down the hall before turning a corner and being out of sight.

Jensen sat at one of the rigid chairs of the waiting room, his eyes glued on the door through which they had taken Chloe through. He felt someone sitting by his side and a hand on his shoulder. Looking over, he saw Jared there.

- "How is she?"

- "I don't know man. They wouldn't say much. All I know is that whatever that guy put her through, it left her body covered in bruises." – Jensen answered, as he shook his head, trying to shake the image out of his mind.

- "She'll be okay. Chloe's a fighter and she's tough. She'll be okay."

Just as Jensen is about to answer his best friend, he heard the unmistakable voice of his daughter calling out to him as she ran to hug him.

- "Hey, princess."

- "Is mom okay?"

- "I don't know, hon. The doctors are still with her. But as soon as they know something, I'm sure they'll tell us."

Pulling JJ closer in their hug, Jensen sat back down. Looking around, he saw how Jared, Gen and the boys sat down as well, all getting comfortable as best as they could to wait for news on Chloe. He thanked God in that moment for having people like the Padalecki's in his life.

Time crawled by, almost as if mocking them by passing as slowly as it possibly could. Jensen stood up, needing to stretch his legs, when he saw a doctor coming in his direction.

- "Chloe Williams' family?"

- "Yes, that's us. I'm Jensen Ackles, Chloe's boyfriend."

- "I'm doctor Garcia. I'm the one in charge of Miss Williams care."

- "How is she, doctor?"

Jensen watched as the doctor looked around and was unsure on whether or not to share the information in front of JJ and the boys.

- "You can talk freely, doctor. Hearing it from you now or from us afterwards, either way they are gonna know. Might as well tell us doctor." – Jensen told the doctor.

- "Alright then. Miss Williams is resting right now. She came in in real bad shape. From my examination, it is clear that she was severely beaten, and her body is covered in bruises. She also has a couple of broken ribs." – the doctor told him, but it was clear that there was more.

- "What are you not telling us, doc?"

- "Mr. Ackles, I was told when Miss Williams arrived that she was pregnant. Unfortunately, it appears that that's no longer the case. I'm very sorry. There's something else you should know. In cases like this, we always check for sexual abuse and I'm sorry to say that there were clear signs that Miss Chloe was sexually assaulted."

Jensen was floored. He didn't know what to say. He already feared that Chloe would no longer be pregnant, but to also find out that she had been raped... What do you say to that? The more the seconds past, the more his shock turned into anger against Liam. He wished he could've been the one to pull the trigger, to hurt him like he had hurt Chloe.

Thinking of Chloe brought tears to his eyes and soon he couldn't hold them back. Dropping to the chair he had been sitting in before, he let the tears fall. Pulling JJ closer to him, he could hear not just her, but everyone else crying as well.

Finding out what happened to Chloe, even if not getting the full picture, was hard for all of them and the sadness and anger they were all feeling could be seen in their faces and their tears. Pulling himself together, he managed to ask the doctor if she was gonna be okay and if he could see her, to which the doctor replied that only time would tell and that once she was settled in, a nurse would come out to take him to her.

Jensen thanked him and leaned back on the chair, JJ still in his arms crying. He knew he had to pull himself together, he had to be strong for everyone. He knew how hard this was on everyone, hearing something like that wasn't easy, especially when it was about someone you consider family.

But the worst was still to come. He still had to tell Chloe about the baby, and make sure he was there for her. He wasn't sure if she was aware or not that she was no longer pregnant, and if she wasn't that was going to be a conversation he never thought he would have. But what if she knew?

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