Searching For An Answer

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Arriving at his office that morning, Jones was expecting to see CSU's report on the van on his desk. What he didn't expect was a note from his partner saying they had found the body of a missing EMT, dumped just outside of town and that she was looking into it.

"For Taylor to look into this, she must think there's a connection to Chloe's disappearance.", he thought as he walked out into the bullpen, looking for her. Asking around, he found that she was with the ME, waiting for his report and what possible leads they had found on the EMT's body. If in fact the two were connected, the detective couldn't help but fear what that meant for Chloe.

Meanwhile, at the Ackles' household, everyone is doing their own research. After having told the kids what the detective had told them and what that could mean, they started searching through Jensen's social media, trying to find any leads that could lead them to the person behind this.

While the kids were sitting outside, Jensen, with Jared and Gen, were sitting around the living room table, phones in their hands and notebooks next to them where they took notes of anyone they thought were a possible suspect. Truth be told, most of the names were quickly discarded, being immediately scratched out, but they kept searching none the less.

They were in the middle of checking another name when JJ and Tom come running in.

- "We think we got something." – JJ said as she moved to sit between her dad and Jared.

- "We decided to go through every comment on the photo that started all this. And after checking every single one of them, we didn't find anything. But then JJ remembered that Aunt Chloe posted the same photo, so we did the same on her photo." – Tom added.

- "And that's when we found this. It's a comment posted two days after mom posted the photo. It says that she looks beautiful, but with sad eyes, which isn't true. And that she would look perfect if her smile reached her eyes. And that maybe one day it will."

- "We thought it sounded weird, so we looked to see if this person had commented on any other post, and we found that before that one, they didn't. But every single post she uploaded after, they would comment something, always along the same lines as that first one." – Tom finished explaining.

It was silent around the room, Jensen, Jared, and Gen going through what JJ and Tom had just tell them. Jensen decided then that it was worth telling the detective and proceeded to call him and ask him to stop by the house since they had found something.

Before they knew it, Detective Jones was sitting in the living room with them and was listening intently to what the kids had found. Telling them that that was a good lead, he took the paper where they had written everything down so the detective could investigate it himself and left to pursue this new lead.

Jones already knew what he was going to do. Getting back to the precinct, he made his way to Online Crimes and asked for their help. He knew that if anyone could find who this person was, it would be them. All he could do now was wait and hope they would find something. It would be just a matter of time before he knew who was behind Chloe's disappearance.

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