I Give Up

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Chloe didn't know how long she has been in that basement, but it felt like years. She was laying in bed, thinking back on the day she went missing and how she wished she had told Jensen and JJ she loved them. If only she had known it was the last time she would see them, she would've told them how proud she was of them and how proud she was to be a part of their family.

The last few days had been hell for her, even more so. Every day was the same: he would come to her, bringing her food and water, but before she could eat or drink anything, he would rape her. If she fought back or didn't pretend that she was enjoying it, he would beat her up.

It got particularly brutal when, by accident, he had found the bobby pins under the bed. She honestly thought he was going to kill her after that. Looking down on her body, she saw all the bruises that had formed in the past few days, making her body hurt like she had never felt before. She can barely move without hissing in pain or even screaming.

She's trying to sit up in bed as best as she can when the door opened, and he came downstairs. Chloe saw he was carrying the usual tray, so she knew what that meant. But she didn't care, not anymore. She had come to terms with her faith: she was never going to get out of there. Not alive anyway.

Chloe watched as he, per usual, placed the tray on the bed and sat next to her. She grabbed the sandwich and took a small bite, not caring anymore that he was still there. When he touched her cheek and pull a strand of hair away from her face, she no longer flinched, merely ignoring him.

She saw as he smiled when she didn't pull away and caressed her neck. But she was long gone, her mind and her eyes void of any thought or emotion. He had succeeded in breaking her and he knew it. Chloe wished she could still fight, but after God knows how many days in that basement, all the beatings and losing her baby, she was done. She no longer cared. He could kill her, and she would even thank him for it.

The man got up and grabbed the tray, as he left the basement. She didn't even bat an eye at him. For the first time in days, he was leaving her alone, no beating, no forced sex. But still, she didn't care. She knew it was only a matter of time before he came back and "took what was his", as he would put it.

After finishing the sandwich and water bottle, Chloe laid back down as slowly as she could. She was sure that soon enough he would be back, so she might as well be already on her back, so he can't pull her down forcibly and hurt her even more.

Sleep began creeping in and she allowed it to take over when she heard something just outside the window. It sounded as cars parking in a hurry and doors being open, but then... silence. She shook her head, thinking she might've been hallucinating.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep, completely unaware of what was happening just outside the basement's window.

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