Why Am I Here?

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"I know him. I know I do. But from where?"

Laying in bed, Chloe kept searching her memories in the hope she could figure out who this man was. She was sure she had seen him before, maybe even talked to him, but no matter how hard she tried, she kept coming up empty. It was like the answer was right in front of her, but she was too blind to see it. If only she could figure out who he was, maybe she could find a way out of there, or at least a way to let Jensen know where she was.

She heard footsteps coming down the hall. Chloe readied herself for what was coming. She wasn't sure if he was going to hurt her again or if he was going to be "nice", but either way, one thing she knew, she wasn't going to make it easy for him.

The door to the basement opened and Chloe knew it was time. His steps down the stairs echoed in the large, mostly empty, space, making her shiver slightly. How could something so simple make her feel so scared? Swallowing her fear, she watched as a shadow walked down the stairs, not knowing what to expect from him.

Her captor walked into the light, and she saw he was carrying a tray with food. Placing it on the bed, he stepped back and sat on the last steps of the staircase, clearly waiting for her to grab the tray and eat what he was offering. Chloe looked at the tray and in a fit of rage kicked it off the bed.

- "What do you want from me? Why am I here? If it's money, I'm sure we can sort something out." – she screamed at an unfazed man.

Walking back towards the bed, he just picked up the tray and walked up the stairs. But just as he's about to leave, he says something that chills Chloe to her core.

- "I already have what I want."

Even though Chloe couldn't see his face, she could hear it in his voice. He was smiling. Chloe heard the door close and lock, panic now rising in her chest. He didn't want money, he wanted her, but what did that meant for her? Or, even more important, her unborn child?

Was he going to keep her like that, locked away in a dark basement forever? And what about her baby? Was he going to let her keep the baby or did he have different plans? The panic grew even stronger at the thought of losing her child, almost suffocating her, and tears were now free falling down her cheeks.

She had to be strong. She had to keep it together for her baby's sake, otherwise they'd both be dead. Chloe needed a plan, something she could hold on to so she wouldn't fall into desperation. Laying back down, she started devising a plan. A plan she would put into play the next time he would come to see her.

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