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TW: Pregnancy Loss

Slowly opening her eyes, Chloe started to come to. Trying to sit up on the bed, she realizes that her body aches and she can barely sit up straight without wincing in pain. The beating she received had been worst than she thought if her whole body was aching like that.

She hears the door open and tries to slide up the bed until her body screams at her to stop. Her captor comes down the stairs and she swallows the fear that threatened to spill out. She watches as he approaches her with a soft smile and places a sandwich and a bottle of water on the bed next to her.

Chloe is scared, there is no other way to put it, but she can't let him know that. She needs to stay strong, otherwise she will never see her family again. Taking the bottle of water, she takes small sips from it before grabbing the sandwich and taking a bite.

Seemingly content with her response to the food and water, he leaves her to finish her food. Chloe doesn't know what to think of it. On one hand, she is glad he is leaving her alone, but on the other, she's scared that he might had changed his mind about her.

While finishing up her food, she tries to think about how long she's been missing. It was hard to keep track of time in the basement. She couldn't see if it was day or night, and even though he had somewhat of a strict schedule for meals, she could never tell if it was lunch or dinner time.

Wanting to try and pull one of the boards from the window off, so she could at the very least see if it was day or night, Chloe climbs off the bed, but is immediately stopped by a sharp pain on her lower abdomen. Screaming out in pain, she looks down and sees blood, just as her captor comes running down the stairs.

Seeing her like that, in pain and bleeding, made him smile, something that didn't go unnoticed by Chloe.

- "Something's wrong. Please, I need a doctor. Please, help me." – she tells him, tears coming down her face.

Chloe watches as he runs out of the basement, leaving her completely alone. She sits back on the bed, cradling her abdomen, praying that nothing happens to her baby. "Please, God, don't take this baby away from me, please."

She knows what is happening, she is losing her and Jensen's child and it's killing her knowing she can't do anything to stop it. Not knowing what else to do, she does her best to lay down on the bed, the top sheet now crumpled between her legs to hopefully help stop the bleeding.

About an hour later and her captor is walking down the stairs. Only this time he isn't alone. Chloe watches as he has a gun pointed at a young paramedic. It was clear to Chloe he had just kidnap the young woman and she was worried what that meant to the paramedic when she's done with what she's there to do.

- "You're here to save her, not the baby, do you understand?"

The paramedic nodded, not having much of a choice when he has a gun pointed at her head.

- "Can you tell me your name, Miss?"

- "Chloe."

- "Chloe, I'm Penelope. What happened?"

- "I'm losing my baby."

- "Okay, Chloe. I'm going to check you out and make sure that's what's going on, okay?"

- "Okay."

Penelope starts checking Chloe out, listening her heart as well as trying to find a heartbeat for her baby, but just like Chloe had feared, there were none to be heard.

- "I'm sorry, Chloe. But you're right. You're losing your baby and it's too late for me to do anything. Maybe if I had gotten here earlier, maybe something could've been done, but it's too late now. I'm so sorry." – Penelope was sad that she had to give Chloe the bad news, but there really wasn't anything she could do. – "Listen, I'm gonna give you something for the pain, as well as something to help your body finish what it started. I know it sounds awful, but your body needs help, otherwise you might die if your baby doesn't fully come out, alright? I'm also gonna give you something so you can rest."

- "Hmm, hmm."

Chloe couldn't speak. She knew if she did, she would just start crying and wouldn't stop. She watched as Penelope got the three injections ready, before looking at her and nodding, asking for her permission to go ahead. Chloe nodded back and felt the first needle breaking her skin and the liquid run through her veins.

Closing her eyes, she allowed herself a moment to go down memory lane. She saw Jensen and JJ so happy about the baby, their smiles as bright as the sun. She saw the ultrasound in her hand and the silly shirts she had given Jensen and JJ.

Chloe felt the third needle go in, and soon darkness started to claim her. Before she allowed to fully take her under, one last thought crossed her mind. "What will happen to Penelope?"

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