Chapter 33 : The best is yet to come

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Seokjin muttered, taking Jimin's math textbook to return. Regardless, all he wanted was a math textbook, no matter who lent it to him.

"Taehyung doesn't want to be friends? Shocking," Jimin joked when Seokjin returned his book apologetically.

"He didn't say that." 

"Maybe but I know him, he's jealous."

 "You're jealous too. But you don't have to be. I'm the one who decides if I want to be friends with you. And I want to." 

Jimin chuckled. 

"Alright, I like that, let's be friends no matter what Taehyung thinks."

"But Jimin, don't forget-"

"I know, I know," Jimin cut him off, "I have to be a real friend to Taehyung too.  I'm going to make an effort, are you happy?"  


The day continued without incident. Throughout the day, Seokjin received help from his classemates, especially during the hours of independent work. 

During the lunch break, he sat down at the same table as Taehyung and Jimin and other classemates and was able to eat happily without having to be suspicious that someone might have slipped things in as pepper or other condiments as undesirable as spit or sand as some had already having fun doing it.

At the end of the day after class, he was happy with his day of classes and satisfied with the work accomplished. He even had the opportunity to go see old Choi to share his happiness with him. 

He told him about his acceptance to the high school of his dreams, his reconciliation with Taehyung and Namjoon, his new friendship with Jimin, the help of his classmates and his certainty of passing his exams now. The old man was particularly happy for him. Patting him on the head, he said:

"Your patience has paid off, you did not let yourself be defeated and you continued to do your best despite the difficulty. You are really an inspiring boy and this is far from being the end : the best is yet to come for you, Seokjin. I wish you to always be happy like that."

Going to train at the school stadium after his visit to Mr. Choi, he realized that he was alone, his team and his coach were nowhere in sight. Now that the championship was over, none of the players on his team bothered to come and train. He began to warm up and then, when recovering a ball he had prepared to shoot on goal, he had the unpleasant surprise of seeing someone ahead of him and catch the ball before him. 

Raising his head, he realized that it was Taehyung who asked him:

"You are alone?"

"Yes but it's not surprising, the football season is over and none of the guys I was playing with have any intention of turning professional, they don't see the point of training again until next year. Neither the captain nor the coach pushes them to surpass themselves."

"If you had been the captain, you would have been a good example for them."

"Maybe," Seokjin said smiling hearing Taehyung compliment him.

"You want me to tell them to come and train with you until the end of the year?" Taehyung told him.

"No," Seokjin refused. "I would prefer that they weren't there, they wouldn't have put their heart into it anyway and having such a quiet football pitch is rare enough for me to enjoy being alone."

"Don't you think you've been alone enough this year?"

"I got used to it, I don't mind."

"Liar, you are so sociable that I don't believe you."

Seokjin and the Heirs of the Korean Miracle - BOOK 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now