Chapter 36: Family

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[Jack] (??) A snippet of an event during my high school suddenly crossed my mind. A girl who has a blurry face, yet she...feels quite important. Who was this?

[??? What is it?] A memory once again, surfaced in my mind.

[Why do you always say that you will try again tomorrow? Isn't it tiring?] (??) She said. I could not picture who this person was, but she felt so familiar.

[Why? You ask? Well...that is because I believe each day isn't the same as the one we have today. Tomorrow will be a different day, thus I hope to try again tomorrow because tomorrow is not the same as today] I don't even specifically remember when this conversation happened. Yet, I vividly remembered both of us smiling.

[Heee----Is that so? Does that mean____________] (??)


What a strange occurrence, it happened again.........Until reality struck me.

[A day of absence was promised but three days has passed since you have said that. I wonder how that went—Right?] (Marie) A memory suddenly resurfaced during a sermon.

[I am very sorry! I am very sorry!!!!!!]

Well...I did kind of only say that promise in the heat of that moment due to excitement, and maybe I should take note of it in the future that I should not do that. I seriously made them worry about my well-being while I was inside the dungeon.

All I could do while facing the missus was to stand still and put my left hand at my nape.

Everyone in the city knows that recklessness, pride, and hunger for money and glory is a recipe for disaster. Dungeons, after all, in general knowledge is not a safe place to be. Despite being filled with monsters that can drop certain items, a single mishap even from an experienced adventurer leads to death.

[Do you know how worried I am!?] (Marie) I did not respond to that, because if I did then I would cry. These people cared for me, and that makes me happy. If I were to suddenly disappear without any will left behind, then these people would cry.

It has been a day since I left the dungeon, in short, I have just arrived in the city. My back aches, my knee aches....and my face aches. Calling it just an ache is an understatement, both cheeks are swollen because the missus stretched it so much stings.

[Yes....I am sorry]

They say that people around those getting sermoned often are silent, learning about the importance of such a lecture....yet there will always be those that are insensitive or just purely nonchalant about it.

[And you too!!! How come you are scoffing that much yet you remained fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??] (Marie)

[*Gulp* Huh?] (Lushea) There was this too........

She was just having breakfast in the inn's kitchen where the sermon was taking place, in short purely not minding the surroundings.

Well, I can't blame her. I am just glad that Lushea has finally learned to trust the people of this benevolent inn.

Now, back to my situation--

A single mishap weighs a lot, well...very much, both in emotional and physical aspects.

When a loved one vanishes from the world either by dying or just being "M.I.A" then the people left behind would wonder what happened to them. I felt that I was already a part of this family and hearing her sermon made me remember my mum.

Damn...I should take note of their emotions too. I know it will be hard to go dungeon diving when you know that you have a family waiting for your safe return to the surface. Much more there are a lot of people waiting for my safe return, and I can't count them with the fingers of both hands.

[I will try......]

[HMMMM???] (Marie)

[I am sorry] I instinctively apologized again because of the pressure from her gaze.

[Seriously...haaaaaaaah. Kids these days are reckless] (Marie)

[Come on now, he is a man already. Besides, he can do it with just him and that thing] (Matthew) Ronin was observing the events that unfolded here at the window. The girls were with it, thus the only ones left behind inside the inn were the three of us plus the fairy eating at the corner.

[Besides isn't he an adventurer? Danger will always be present in such a job] (Matthew) He looked at her in the eye...Maybe it was something only couples could do when they stared at each other eye-to-eye that some sort of understandable agreement just occurred.

[......Fine. I am just worried, if he goes missing I might...] (Marie) bad. Today I will start to think carefully about my plans for my future

[Don't worry, I am capable of taking care of myself when out in the unknown]

[That's not it, you fool. I miss you as if you are my son. Also, welcome home] (Marie)


Perhaps this might not be so bad.

I am a lucky guy, aren't I?

[Hehe~ I am home]


I can't rest with these feelings in my heart.

[Kyun?] (Mime)

[I am very sorry little guy, but please let me use you as a stress ball] I guess it can't understand what I meant as it just slept despite being stretched around.

The exhaustion from the dungeon trip vanished as if some magic was cast on me that healed tiredness. Can Lushea even do that? The girls? Nah, there's no way.

Is it because they were happy that I returned home safely? If I was a girl maybe I would have gone *KyAAAAAAAAAAA!! right now, but no.


Looking back at the events that happened this morning allowed me to reflect upon my actions. I have people waiting for my return and I have people who care for me, lastly, I now have a family. I just can't wipe the grin on my face, it's just so heartwarming that it makes me feel restless.

Maaaan, I guess I should take it easy today. I still have to deal with aches of my body after all. Ow, my back! Augh!!!

[Pilot] (Ronin) Suddenly, Ronin's voice communication suddenly rang in my head causing me to jump a bit at the bed in surprise.

[What is it? Did something happened?] 

[Suspicious activity within the area's vicinity has been observed] (Ronin) Right when I thought I can take it easy, a problem that I have been ignoring for a while has re-emerged.

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