Chapter 27: New stuffs, solo run

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Last night was a bit chilly.

I sneezed so hard it caused my chest to tighten real good that I thought I was about to die. Thank goodness I am alive~

Other than that....

The issue about some evil people going after Lushea is still a bit hot, so I increased the range of scouting of the drones.

[So hot...........] I am, however, not at the inn currently but is out on a quest.

The forest where I am at is a different one as this was the forest near the dungeon I had visited before. This and that were different since this time I am here alone and not with them.

Just how long are those two away? I already missed them.

[As if we can do anything about that] Well, technically I am not alone.

Ronin is at the distance pushing away the logs that it had cut. I also managed to learn a bit of new knowledge.

Apparently as golems were primarily used as servants by strong magicians, it is common to have them work around instead of just letting it stay at a place. It might be risky if Ronin is away from the inn, but if it never left the place then no one would take the bait.

I can also count that those white armored knights staying at the inn for some time could do something....but I can't figure out how.

Back to the topic....

I am a ranged fighter, not a magician. I also have my non-existent mana pool valued at ZERO. ZERO. Z.E.R.O!

The neighbors already misunderstood that I am a magician, where in fact I am not.

God, misunderstandings sure are hard to deal with, but at least I will use that to my advantage.

[Hmmm, there are people ahead of us that got in first. Well, they already knew about you anyway, so, partner are you ready?]

Brandishing the huge ass sword out from its attachment, Ronin stood beside me as I cocked the charging handle of the spitfire LMG.

[Ready when you are pilot] (Ronin)

[Then, let us roll wait it should be rolling in] I hopped into Ronin's back and hoped for the best.
It could be said that on this day, a few adventurers will learn the true power of the metal giant alongside the weirdly costumed dude.

???'s POV

[What's that sound?] (??) A group of 5 people banded together as a party entered the dungeon entrance, loud and earthshaking sound echoed in the place.

[Ah, it must be him again] (??) Equipped with a bow, a female archer voiced her annoyance as she peered over to the direction the sound is coming.

[Wa? Who?] (??) Their equipments were relatively of low quality, likely signs of being new adventurers, except, 2 of them were veterans but are equipped with basic weapons to let newcomers learn.

[That is him, look over there] (??) As his head turned to see the direction his teammate pointed for him, what he saw was not a person, but a giant wielding a huge sword bigger than him.

He can't help but gulp in fear and awe as it passed by them.

[That's an adventurer?!] (??) Baffled by the sight, he then asks them for confirmation.

[No silly! The one on top of it is!] (??)
[New adventurers?] I looked at the people behind me as they discussed something while someone from them points his finger at our direction.

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now