Chapter 19: The enslaved fairy

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[Miss Marie!!!!!!!] (Jack) It was afternoon right after I finished cutting the vegetables for the stew, Jack suddenly barged from the kitchen's back door carrying something wrapped in cloth.

[Oh? Welcome back Jack, lunch is ready...So how was your trip to the--] Before I could continue, he immediately removed the cloth with a grim expression.

[She needs help, can you call for some healer please. I will take her to my room] (Jack)

[Okay, just a sec. Dear!!!!!!!!!! Matthew!!!!!!!!!Call for the priestess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] (Marie)

[Y-yes?] (Matthew) An unconscious collared fairy is held in his arms


Something feels odd about this place....

[Thanks for the help~ Also here's the token of quest completion~] (Lorna) The quest "search for my lost cat" was immediately taken care of due to my cheat skill "MAP" which allows me to search someone or something as long as I have the specific details known beforehand.

It's been a day, a tiring day right after the fiasco yesterday. Why am I receiving guild commission rewards you might ask? I took a quest, a please-find quest. Specifically it was to look for an old lady's pet cat. Why of course other than getting the ropes of entering the dangerous business of being an adventurer.

In this case, the missing cat is a black furred cat with yellow eyes, a white tipped tail, and its left hind leg has a white spot. The cat was just nestling itself at the rooftops, and the owner (a crazy cat lady) was just frantic because her cat has gone missing for a day.


after the quest with the missing cat is finished, I immediately set off back to the inn and went on the same way back until I felt the same peculiar feeling at the alleyway I have used as shortcut.



This feeling, where have I felt this before?

I looked around, and saw no one.

' help me'

[.......................] Who? Wait...a person?

I took a glance at the MAP and saw nothing peculiar, except that there is a green marker behind the wall I am facing. It was faint in glow and color........meaning it was just about to die.

The voice stopped, no matter how much I waited, the voice did not returned a cry for help.

Was it a ghost? A lost spirit? Now that gave me goosebumps. The reason why I am afraid of ghosts is that I hate not being able to fight back against phantasmal beings.

[Am I hallucinating? Or was that my reoccurring PTSD?] The thought bothered me, until the voice....


came back much weaker than before

[This is suspicious] My instincts have been tingling awhile ago, something is fishy about this situation. The voice surely came from the direction I am facing, and not behind or from the sides, but in front. Whatever, and whoever is behind the wall.....fuuuuuuuu...really is badly in need of help.

Whoever the homeowner is, I am very sorry for intruding without any invitation, but I just can't allow someone in need of help to get unnoticed.

I took a peek at then window and when I confirmed that no one is inside, I PHASED my way in and got immediately assaulted by the dusty air inside, as well as the smell of old furniture being left to rot.

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