Chapter 11: Reassurance

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*Chirp Chirp*

It was just an ordinary morning for a certain forest bird. Scouting for insects, worms, or perhaps small fish that would come to the riverside's shallow waters. It thought its life was as normal as it gets...until it saw a huge shadow that was approaching its location at a fast speed.

*Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud!*


[Arriving at the next destination, Mantrel River] (Ronin) That figure just whizzed past the bird, and it was a huge metallic being that sprinted across with a speed of 80km/h. Dropping the worm it had on its beak, it was in a daze looking at the figure that was now becoming smaller as its distance becomes further.


For a practical person, not as a car person, but as a general person, what is important about a car? Top speed or acceleration? Well, for me, my answer would be that it should be something with two legs, metal in the body, and can wield a sword and a 3-barreled shotgun.

[Arriving at the next destination, Mantrel River] (Ronin) Its monotonous robotic voice resonated within the cockpit, the smooth and quick ride across this path along the Mantrel Riverside is the path Nene told us to follow as this will lead us into the first place for civilization before Miruzo City.

Tanya still at the usual spot, is just sitting on my lap looking at the screen with excited eyes.

[Wow!!!!! Mister Golem is going at speeds I can't imagine!!!!] (Tanya)

Well, no normal human can run at 80km/h unless you're Usain Bolt or someone with speed-enhancement shoes. Other than that, Ronin is leaving quite the size of footprints.

[Won't this cause trouble later on? Like rumors about a huge being walking or running within the vicinity of this forest?]

[Well, I bet something like that will come. However, there are always rumors about new kinds of stuff so we're just adding new ones to the current list ahahahaha] (Nene) I give up on becoming unnoticeable with this, with Ronin around, it is impossible to conceal the fact that it exists.

As for the hydra's remains and its entire corpse, I stored it over my INVENTORY...surprisingly it was able to take it all in without any problem, except of course as it is making me remind myself that my INVENTORY now has a huge dead ass monster corpse in it. Other than that, there is not much to discuss in this trip because only Tanya and Nene were awake during the entire run throughout the forest.

When talking about villages and towns, in the records even on Earth, especially during the medieval period, it is far common for people to settle down in places near bodies of flowing water such as a river or near the sea for they can hunt and cast lines for fishing. Trading too is also commonplace for towns and villages in that kind of place.

[Huh????? What do you mean you can sell the hydra corpse? No one could buy that thing you know?] (Nene) And here I am, asking her about ways of disposing of the corpse in my INVENTORY. All hope got shattered when she revealed that the guild in Miruzo City has no money capability of buying the entire corpse.

[If you want to sell it for money, you must learn first what are its most valued parts. For example its poison glands, the fire-producing organ, and the ice crystal found in its lungs. There's also its hide, the bones. Its meat is a total flop so it's thrown away, except, of course, you can give it to the people of the slums for free and they will accept it] (Nene)......I am completely unsure whether I should feed its meat to other people though considering how toxic its attack was in the first place.

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now