Extra Chapter : The fairy and the giant

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This is just a short chapter to kill any signs of stumping out
A few weeks after her rescue.......

She's been gazing at the window too often, not because she's still sad but because there is an unusual thing that caught her attention.

[Come on mister golem! Please help us move the tree] (??) A flock of children surrounded a tall figure, a very tall figure.

The thing caused a shadow to cast upon the window at her room, hence she immediately went to see what it was and found out about it herself.

As tall as the inn itself, and was probably as wide as 4 people on full reach, it was a giant, a metallic one.

As the days went on like this early in the morning, she's also started to take interest into the being itself. It wasn't human nor of any race she knew, as it was a golem. An artificial being created for the sole purpose of helping its master.

It was gentle when it handled the human children, as if knew what being delicate is. It moved slowly in small strides to not hit anyone or any building in the neighborhood. The children played around it, asking it questions, and then decorating it with the stuff they found in the park. The golem at this point was decorated with flowers, from top to bottom. It just let the children have their way, for it knew they did not harbor malice.

[If it was present back then, would it have saved my kind as well?] A wishful thinking, she can't help but think of such as she remembered the scene that will haunt her forever. However, it can be said that her nightmares have been less frequent these days. Her sleep cycle started to normalize, and she started to wake up feeling good by the start of the day. Her eating habits however....were a bit skewed.

She can finish an entire basket filled with food just by herself, for a fairy her size as she's a bit bigger than usual, it was still abnormal.

Moving on, she's started to trust a bit though it was only for that one specific person. The young human man who was the one that brought her food 2 times each day. That was the only human she started to trust ever since she arrived here.

The slave collar at her neck was gone, the chains that dangle at it was gone, she was free.....but where could she go? She has no home now. Her home got destroyed by the humans that came to the forest with malicious intent.

The very thought of having no home to go back made her tear up, but she did not cry. She still has to look for the whereabouts of her family and friends. She must stay strong.

[When will it be.............waaa!!!!!!] Surprised, she jumped out of bed and hid at the beside.

A glowing eye stared at the window, it was Ronin's.

[It's just you, I was surprised]

[There is no need to be surprised] (Ronin)

[..............You could talk!?] Surprised, again but for another reason, she then hoped unto the windowsill and got herself closer to the metal giant.

[I could] (Ronin)

[Waaa!!!! Amazing! How?]

If she could trust again, could she live the life she wanted? Or would it go down further to the point of no return? She was sure, that if she meet the right person to talk with, surely she could be happy once again.

This moment, is the start of an unlikely friendship between an AI robot and a small depressed fairy



There is nothing written here, and as always have a good day


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