Chapter 35: Boss's a pet

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The grandfather clock ticks as its pendulum arm swings back and forth. The rhythm itself is just ordinary, but the person observing it thinks otherwise.

Time has been passing without signs of him returning, and the arms of the clock show the time being at 10:56 in the evening.

[He hasn't returned yet?] (Nene) Sitting and manning the inn's reception is Nene, and another person came to view.

[He hasn't, I checked his room but he was not there. I asked the others but they also hadn't seen him for the entire day] (Matthew) Coming down from the 2nd floor is Matthew, her father.

[Are you worried?] (Matthew)

[Yes, I am. He's already like a younger brother to me, and seeing him not home yet is just...Also, the gates close at midnight, so he might get stuck outside until dawn] (Nene)

[Now that you've said it. Still. I am sure that he's taking care of himself so don't worry, rather, you have to take care of yourself first] (Matthew) Right after he entered the diner, 6 cloaked figures entered the front entrance of the inn

[Welcome to Quagmire Inn~ Would you like to stay or dine in for the night?] (Nene)

[Stay it is...about a week. How much?] (??) A robed figure of what seems to be a woman has come inside along with other 5 cloaked people.

[Would you like a multiple-bed room or just separate rooms for you and your companions?] (Nene)

[Multiple beds one room] (??)

[That's about 50 silver coins along with meals, and can you write your names in the logbook?] (Nene)

[Umu] (??) Removing the hood, Nene saw what one of them was.

Blue cerulean eyes, ivory silver hair, and a beautiful face that could be said to rival that of a female elf...

Written by the client on the logbook is her name, Ciel.


Jack's POV.


[What happened to you sonny?] (??) The guard stationed at the dungeon's entrance greeted me as soon as we made eye contact. He was a grampa, probably around 60+ years of age.

[Huh? Dungeon diving?]

[You looked like you were fighting for dear life? Do you want some potion? I could give you one] (??)

[Ah, please. I will pay for it though] So I really looked that ragged huh? So that was why the adventurers that I encountered on the way back to the 1st floor really gave me the stares.

Now that I have thought of it, I haven't got a good look at myself yet.

Damn, I really looked badly in shape. My hair was dirty, my pants were bloody, and my breathing was not normal. The journey to the 1st floor was easy, but I had to take my time since my movements were slower than usual.


I see, that answers my strange condition of being rather sluggish. God, I want to lay on the bed already and sleep like a log having no care in the world.

[Fuwaaaaah. It's so late at night too] I sat at the bench nearby and admired the moons in the sky. Moons sure are an exaggeration, when in fact it isn't. There's 3 moons up in the skies right now.

Man...what a day to be honest. I have been going here and there at the dungeon, looting whatever loot was valuable during the entire expedition, and then ultimately I faced the 1st boss monster there.

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