Chapter 14: The maidens of the esteemed Quagmire Inn

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It was the 1st day of the week, and numerous daily clients stormed the dining area with glee...why? Well...

[Order for eggs and sausage coming right uppppp!!!] (Alurra)

[Uwah!? So many customers!] (Tanya) 

[Now now Tanya, they're just elated to see all of you fine and have returned home] (Marie) Miss Marie quipped as she handed her the tray filled with a customer's order on the cart. 

A 2 story inn within the city of Miruzo seems to have more clients in their diner than usual. The noisy office workers of the guild took their usual breakfast with smiles on their plates, and the rowdy adventurers tired from their early quests eased up as they saw the maidens and the flower girl of the Quagmire Inn served their usual orders.

The youngest, Tanya, is serving the customers their beverages. Alurra arranged the chairs and tables as Emma cleaned the ones that were used. Nene noted down multiple orders on her tickler notepad with a pencil.

[Here's your order of two boar stew and bread, ale is here too~] (Nene) 

[Hohohoho, the food smells great, right?] (??)

[Exactly! That is why I eat here] (??)

[One order for coffee please!] (??)

[Coming right up!] (Nene)

In short, these girls were the reason why the inn was flourishing. The smiles they gave to their customers as well as the happy atmosphere around them give it all, Quagmire inn was a business magnet for people with tired minds

I can't help but smile at the happy atmosphere of this diner/inn as the voices of happy clients drown the noise outside the place.



The piercing cold wind penetrates the gap in the window of the Inn where I am staying. 

[Oh? It's morning already] I sat upright on the bed and looked at the window...light was penetrating the blinds that I dropped down last night. 

*Knock Knock Knock!*

[Hngh?!] The knocks were strong?!

[Jack!!!!~~~ It's morning already, are you awake?] (Nene) The resident/ daughter of the inn owner went ahead to wake me up. 

[Yes yes, I am changing so...] Ah, it was Rikka. That was surprising.

[Okay, then please come down after. Breakfast is ready, be fast or else you won't be having it] (Rikka) If you are wondering how I got here....

Let us take it about 12 hours before morning




[Thank you soo much!!!!!] (??) 

[Eh?!] As soon as we arrived in front of the place Nene told me they live in, a beautiful lady, as well as a man that stood beside her, bowed their heads at me.

[Erm.......they are?]

[Mom, Dad, you're troubling him by bowing your heads] (Nene) 

[Ah...sorry. I was just happy, rather thankful. Once again I thank you for saving my daughters from harm] (??) The lady this time stopped bowing her head and just looked at me thankfully. 

Phew. I thought of what it was, turns out it was because they were the girls' parents. 

[You're welcome, it was only coincidence but if you mean it, I'll take the thanks] 

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