Chapter 5: Numb

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I will release this one today because things are going to get even busier as the Christmas season is coming. Is it exciting to have a 2 weeks worth of break when you have 10 UNI works to do?


Anyway if you like the story please vote and comment, negative comments are highly recommended because the author is a big M.

-Author with 10 UNI works to do


"Say Jack, if you could save someone in the nick of time---"


Time slows down as I pulled the trigger, shock, awe, confusion and fear all were displayed in their eyes. Muzzle flash that blinds the eyes in this dark environment, the loud noise of the gunshots, and the recoil acting on my shoulder made me feel aware of how good it is to not be on the receiving end of the gun barrel.

"would you do anything just to save them?" The hazy face of someone I lost resurfaced in my head as the music of continuous gunshots echoed in the cavern.

"huh? Why did you ask me that #####?" A memory of a certain childhood friend...why?

The orchestra only ended when the last guy fell on the floor still clutching his chest with the shot fired at it.

I looked at the scattered corpse around me and then a raindrop that fell on the visor made my awareness come back.

"I just want to know"

Her voice echoed in my head as I looked down upon the fearful eyes of these girls...

[It's fine now, no one, no one shall, and no one will ever be------------]

able to hurt you again.


A few minutes ago—

[Noooooooooooooo!!!] (??) My adrenaline pumped up when a shrill helpless voice rang in my ears.

You goddamned fuckers!

I sprinted in the narrow path, avoiding any sharp thing on the way. I can't jump due to the vertical clearance the cave has which is only about 4 meters at best, if I do so then I would risk myself getting to hit my head on the cave ceiling.

Why am I doing this? I asked myself as my legs moved by instinct.

The answer to that is because I already lost a lot of people in my life, important ones in my life, to which can all be saved if I was to help them. Whoever I am going to save would also be important to someone else...and I don't want them to lose their important people as well.

[PHASE!!!!] I don't know why I did it, but my vision shifted into another dimension as my whole body phased out of existence. I found myself running in a noir dimension, only filled with colours of black and white, each noise I heard while I was at the original dimension is gone when I arrived here.

I then saw specks of white light that appear to be moving as I turned into a corner. Five of those were pinned on the floor, whereas the 15 other floating lights were levitating. The said 5 were all red lights...indicating they're hostiles.

[Good evening gentlemen] As soon as the phase dash was cancelled, the people who were about to do something to the tied, gagged women on the floor were frozen on their feet. One of them was holding a little girl by her hair, dragging her away from the group.

[Who are yo—] (??) I clenched my teeth as my anger rises so badly. I looked at the bruised women and girls that laid on the floor, fear, weariness, and exhaustion are all pasted at their faces. One of them was a young girl being dragged with her hair by a bad guy...My dark impulses grows by the second, as I face these fuckers.

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now