Chapter 23: A knight in shining armor?

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It can be traced back into the history of this world, at how a certain goddess once banished another deity when they started causing trouble to the world the god of creation made. Light and dark always resist one another, the other cannot help but cause chaos, and the other can't help but to stop this chaos from spreading further.

The goddess of light after some time and after some fights with the deity of darkness, banished the latter and sealing them away for some time.

It was then that a prophecy arrived 105 years ago, telling its return for revenge from being sealed, and all will pay for the deed the goddess of light has done. That was when a certain knight group was created for the sole purpose of containing one thing, chaos and disorder.

Following the creed of the holy church's doctrine, the kingdom of Limerence then made a special group of knights who were specially adept with holy and light magic. The ivory knights of the holy cross was then established, having only 20 members at first, it then grew to a whopping 150 by the time the previous generation of knights perished from old age.

Some of them were sent to war with another country, this was then seen as unneeded and heretical by the church as the knights themselves were not trained to fight in a war of politics, but as a 1st stop gap in case the forces of the god of darkness descend.

[Hwaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~] Somewhere in their respective of the knights yawned loudly

[It seems pretty calm right?] (??)

[Waaa!!!!! Platoon Leader!?] and caught the attention of someone.

The knight in question almost fell to the ground, but his sleeve got caught up by the hand of the knight commander.

[Be careful and be mindful, we're not the only ones in here after all....right?] (??)

[YES! I will be careful and be mindful!!!] Still, the morning here is relatively calmer than where they were before. With their numbers scattered, the holy knights of the church of light began their surveillance.


A bunch of people arrived in the city the other day, don't know much but it seems relatively peaceful for a few days straight and nothing that much interesting happened. Looking back at at the fairy's situation as well, she's more or less functioning as an individual now.

[Good morning, here's some breakfast......erm....] The usual would have happened by now.

I was expecting her to inch back at the corner of the bed just before I would open the door, but she was not at her usual spot. I looked at the corner of the room and found not a single fairy tucked in, rather there she was at the window.

Peeking at the windowsill is her figure, looking at the sight of the children outside playing under the shadow of Ronin, she must felt a bit jealous.

I set down the basket, hoping that she would take notice at it, but to no avail I was ignored. The food was ignored, causing me to get worried. So I took the courage to step closer and peeked at the window.

I was right, the children were there playing around Ronin again. Still, I can't imagine that it would develop a fondness for children. There's also a new thing that hit it as well, it wants to protect the young ones..........................I think that its AI might be more humane than I thought it would be originally as is. It knew how to be delicate, kind, and protective of what it deemed as to be protected. Just like how a golem in a fantasy world works, Ronin seems to have gotten used to this role for the past few weeks we've been here.

How long was I here already? Half a month? More? I don't know.

Time moved so fast, and I feel old myself already.............damn it.

[Do you want to go outside and play?] I asked in a small voice.

I already knew that she sensed my presence, because my footsteps were a bit heavier than the girls and Sir Matthew never entered the room (as per Missus Marie's strict order). I once saw the result of defying the order of the inn mistress, he flew out to the courtyard face first.

[..................] (??) All she could do was to stare at the window and to the scene below.

I feel sorry for her. 

By definition, when a kid is jealous of other kids playing, that would mean they want to play with them but he/she can't for a reason. This gal is afraid to trust I think, and if I am correct this kind of behavior is so hard to fix. She's started to trust

I was always bullied a lot when I was a kid due to my bodily constitution of being too lanky, because of that I tended to isolate myself from other kids. I felt the same going for her, though I was saved  from boredom because the neighborhood girl annoyed me a lot. It was completely unrelated, but nevertheless I found a way to reach out to others and then that girl and I became best friends...................................

I may have freed her from the curse called slavery, she's still overcoming the backlash from her trauma. I kind of feel worse now, but nevertheless I just gave her a small push...............a small push?

A friend huh......needless to say, I do have someone that comes to mind. She's cute, bubbly, kind, innocent, and most of all she's still a kid.

[ you want to meet someone and play with her?]

[??] (??) Innocent, young, the mind is yet to be corrupted by the truth of the world, and is a girl. Yep. When it comes to those description in mind, one person really matches up to what I needed.

I can see the sudden confusion in the face of the small gal as those words left my mouth, but I can at least be reassured that the girl in question is more likely to accept my proposal in mind.

[Now then, please do eat so that you will recover to full health] As I was about to leave...I felt a tug at my pants.

[Can I?] (??) Can I? What?

Patiently, I waited for her to affirm what it was that she said......

[Is it really fine for me to eat food when I do nothing?] (??) oh...

I crouched down to almost eye level and looked at her eye to eye.

[Let's see..........]



Noon came, just as lunch was about to happen. Rather, just as I was about to eat lunch with the rest of the people at the inn, I asked a certain girl about something.

[Say Tanya]

[Hmmm? Big bro? What is it?] (Tanya)

[Do you want to meet someone that you have only heard in fairy tales?]


A sudden silence 

[YES!] (Tanya)

With those words of reaffirmation from a young girl, that was not a scam at all, after all the being mentioned by the word "FAIRYTALE" is just occupying a room up above. Rather I am a bit worried about her easily accepting what I suggested.

Yep, I think I will teach her a lesson someday regarding about making sure whether her decision is right or wrong. For now, I think I might have obtained the knight piece in a chess that will bring its queen back to life.

Still I am baffled that I gave the fairy a job. What job did I gave her? It's simple, very simple....infact I am more afraid that I might deepen her trauma any further but she instead accepted it.

That was to watch for the faces of the people she could see at the window, and to tell me if some of them were people she have encountered before.


This is a short chapter because I have cut 5 parts from the original draft, other than that have a nice day


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