Chapter 4: A bad premonition

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Have you held a gun before?

No, not a toy gun or airsoft, but a real gun. Because I did.

It's heavy, it's powerful, and you need to have the responsibility to only use it in certain moments indicated by the law, or else the law will go after you.

But have you tried controlling a drone?

What about a drone with a gun? Wouldn't that be fun?



I can hear it in the speakers paired in my helmet with the controls that the drone is currently in its VTOL mode, hovering quite a distance from the ground. I had it follow them in this manner while the rain dampened the sound of its motor because their actions seem...interesting. It's convenient to fly this thing around due to its sophisticated system embedded in it.

The drone after all was the one that chases you at the start of the game trying to kill you. It has an onboard scanner that can allow you to scan objects while the controller itself is aware, with the drone to accompany me on my journeys it should prove useful.

Its accuracy with the gun is good, however the fire rate suck. Despite having great firepower, the plasma drone can only let its gun shoot plasma rounds at a rate of 10 per 5 seconds, after that a short cooldown of 5 seconds would come. To compensate I could team it up to 5 drones with the controller, since I can convert them into a drone flock, and solo if I wanted to. But doing so would increase the noise, making them noticeable even in this weather.

[.............what are they supposed to be doing?] I peered at the screen and observed as they make their way to the opposite side of the mountain where I am.

I'm currently still holed in the same cave opening, sitting ducks in the cold stony cavern watching this console, spying on these men.

Am I doing something bad perhaps? But I can't ignore that these men were hostile to me, and probably hostile to others as well. They were equipped with bladed and stringed weapons, staffs, and probably wands as I saw some of them looked to be carrying way too lightly.

Baggage carries at the rear, archers after that, next are spear men, and then swordsmen and shield users. Wow, what a formation, at least I can commend them for doing that.

[Sour] While doing so, I was eating the 3 berries that I got on the way here. To be honest, they were edible, but they were too sour for consumption. It tasted like I ate pure citric acid tablets.

The rain seems to persist as it showed no signs of stopping any minute by now, but with that, I continued what I was doing.



[Should I also make a move right now?] Minutes passed, and the men were still walking and walking. Their source of light are metal lamps fueled with some kind of oil, or perhaps magic tools commonly used in this world. It's bright enough to illuminate the road for about 5 meters away from each of those holding it.

However, They are clearly heading to this side. I should move to another place for now.

[Ah...they stopped] Hmmmm??? Oh?

The drone's camera visibility is not that good when it comes to weather like this, but using the thermal camera made it easier to see. There is another entrance far from here, which was the one they slowly entered one by one. It's a small opening, only enough for one person to go through, but looking at where they entered made me feel suspicious that something is off in this location. I had the drone peer over the area, inspecting its layout as well as vegetation.

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin