Chapter 17: One angry red head

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[Like I told you!]


[I am not really into this kind of direct method of sparring!]




[Oraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Too slow! Talk with your sword! Not with your mouth!] (Rynia)

[As if I could?! How do I do that in the first place?!]I am appalled, to whom? With the enemy I am facing in this spar, she's really one heck of a strong adventurer despite being a woman. Moreover I am facing her at my disadvantage, cqc isn't just my strongest forte despite my character due to the fact that I am just starting to learn it YET.

However, I had learned a lot of self-defense techniques to counter a lot of scenarios, of course from youtube and the like, it's just that the problem is that this person I am facing is super super strong, like heck, super strong.

[Ha!] I parried her heavy blow by deflecting its angle of trajectory mid-swing, but that took a lot from me to do.

Rynia's naginata is a stabbing and swinging weapon. Imagine a spear with a sword as a spearhead, that is how it do.

It's a heavily-tipped spear that has its center of gravity fixed at the very spot where the blade and spear shaft meets. Hence, I can at least do this much. Regarding how to reach her, the nastiest thing I can do to really reach her is by...


[Wha?!] (Rynia) With my figure gone, I then returned to the current dimension and tried to slash at her back. 

But to no avail, as if she had eyes at her back, she dodged it and returned a swipe to which I also dodged by hair's width.

[That's a neat trick huh, you almost got me!] (Rynia)

[Almost got you? How are you even seeing things from behind?!] Does she have eyes at the back of her head? Hot damn... 

*Klang! Klang!*

Her blows are really frickin heavy, it is tough to receive due to the difference in strength and endurance.  

As we exchanged attacks, I deployed a few holographic forms of myself  before phasing out of existence once again.

[Oraaa!!!! No matter how much you clone yourself, I will always see it right through!] (Rynia) 

Damn, I might really lose at this point too. I am doing this wholeheartedly because of one thing, I want to know my real physical strength and endurance as well as my tactics on person-to-person combat like this one.

Magic is also an advantage in this spar, as such I am at a disadvantage for I am incapable of doing such complicated fantasy attack. However, to compensate I have my pilot skills from the game.

[He disappeared again?!] (Rynia) The activation of this skill is only possible because I have it integrated into my very body during the reincarnation process, lore-wise, I wouldn't be able to utilize this skill if I am not wearing the pilot outfit.

Rather, she was surprised that I vanished 

But at this point, I can't deny it no more, my skills are far too inferior to someone with battle knowledge and experience.

[GOT YOU....huh?] (Rynia)

That was a close call!!!! Waaaa!!! 

Her blade cut a few strands of my hair as I evaded it. 

[Hehehehehe. Your nasty tricks ain't use to me now!] (Rynia) She got me good, she's probably got the gist that I am aiming for her rear. 

[I guess it really isn't of use now, but I don't only have one party trick up my sleeve] 

I threw a star-shaped explosive charge towards her in a quick, fast manner, and it exploded right as it made collision into her.


A small scale explosion then ensued, but that was just weak. The star-shaped ordnance I threw to her is called an ARC STAR, and what that thing does is........

[Argh!!!!!] (Rynia) Cause a short to occur, so yeah, I will really pay for that one once that effect wears off.

[Here I go!] Without further ado, I tried to hit her at least lightly because....why not?

Heavy and powerful blows often have a characteristic of wasting energy right after the action, hence speed decreases and that is one thing I want to avoid when facing a fast, powerful, and agile enemy like her.


[You fucker! Now you've done it!!!! Uwaaaaaaaaaarggggggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] (Rynia)

[..........................] Watching her go through her super-saiyan mode made the hair in my skin stand up. 

Now I've really done it........................



[He's really done it] (Ethan) Watching his twin sister go berserk right after an attack connected to her was more frightening than every single scary situation he's been before.

Getting lost? Why would he be afraid when she would find him easily and brought him back to their room? Getting grouped by his childhood bullies? Heck she beat the crap out of them until they looked like dead.

But now, it was the first for once in a while that she got hurt, especially from this spar to welcome a newbie.

His blood ran cold as he imagined the unimaginable.

"Jack, good luck appeasing that" 


Stepping a dog's tail is still forgivable, but stepping on a dragon's? That is a death wish, that I wished I really have avoided.

Is a newbie expected to win against a veteran? No, that is the answer that most of them thought, not until he was able to raise his favor of winning right in front of their very eyes.

And who is he? That is me, yes, me.

And this is the end............bye.


[Uraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] (Rynia)


It was as if all of the experiences regarding a close encounter with death wasn't enough, right now, it was as if a massive bullet hell of magic was coming towards me.

[ shit!? Those are all magic?!] To think she goes full witch when under berserk. were 10 of those that popped out and all had the same threatening aura like what Nene used against the hydra.

Wait.......if I get beaten up and lose, that does not guarantee anything good for me at all!

[Augh. I have no choice then!] Before she could fire a barrage of spells. I've called for a friend.

I have no choice, I have no magic, rather calling it as it had "that" would be an advantage.


And thus, in the skies right above us, a tremendous roar echoed loudly.

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now