Sunflower (Female Basil x Male Sunny)

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Sunny took a deep breath to try and calm his nerves. He stood outside of Basil's house with a bouquet of flowers. Tonight was going to be his first date with Basil and he couldn't help but be nervous. He knocked on her front door and waited for her to answer it. She opened it moments later with a shy smile on her face. "Hi Sunny!"

"Hi." Sunny quietly replied before holding the flowers out to her.

"Oh, you got these for me? Thank you so much!" Basil accepted the bouquet. "I'll be right back, let me put these in a vase." Basil went back into the house. Sunny took this time to try and calm his racing heart down. He took a few more deep breaths and tried to remind himself that it'd just be like a regular hang out with Basil. "Alright, I'm ready to go." Basil smiled at Sunny as she stepped out of the house. Sunny nodded and began walking in the direction of the restaurant. "Before we go...I was wondering...if-if we could take a picture together?" Basil shyly asked. Sunny stopped and nodded to her. Basil's eyes lit up and she stood next to him, taking out her camera and adjusting it so that they would both be in the picture. "Say cheese, Sunny!" Basil smiled at the camera.

"Cheese." Sunny mumbled and gave the camera a small smile. Basil snapped the picture and seemed happy with it. With that settled, the two made their way to the restaurant.

The restaurant was a small diner that had opened recently. "I heard this place has good milkshakes." Basil commented as they got seated in a booth. Sunny nodded thoughtfully and looked over the menu. After a bit a waitress came and got their orders. The two quietly sat while they waited until Basil broke the silence. " have you been?" She asked him as she fidgeted with a strand of her hair.

"I've been alright. How have you been?"

"I've been good. Things have gotten better since...everything..." Basil awkwardly looked away. Things had been tense for a bit after they had told everyone the truth about what happened to Mari. The group had managed to resolve it with time and everyone had gone back to being friends. Sunny still didn't get to see them as often as he'd like though due to his move. "How are things at your new school? Did you make any new friends?" Sunny shrugged a bit.

"I haven't really spoken to anyone."

"Oh. Well I'm sure you'll make some friends soon." Basil gave him a reassuring smile. Sunny smiled back at her.

By the time their orders arrived, Sunny and Basil had gotten over their initial awkwardness and were able to talk with each other easier. "Would you two like any dessert?" Their waitress asked them after they had finished eating.

"We...we could share a milkshake...if you wanted." Basil offered. Sunny nodded.

"What flavor would you like?" The waitress asked. Basil gestured for Sunny to choose.

"Vanilla." The waitress nodded and went to put in their order. She returned moments later with their drink and two straws. They thanked her and then took a sip of their milkshake.

"This is really good!" Basil smiled. "What do you think?"

"It's good." Sunny nodded in agreement.

"I'm really glad we got to do this today."

"Me too." Basil smiled a bit more and hesitantly moved her hand closer to Sunny. Sunny took her hand in his. Basil blushed a bit and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"I really miss you. I-I mean everyone does know..." Basil began to get flustered. Sunny smiled and squeezed her hand.

"I miss you too." Basil seemed to calm down a bit.

"Hopefully over the breaks we can see each other more. Maybe I could go visit you and see your new town." Sunny nodded.

"I'd like that."

"Really?" Sunny nodded again. Basil smiled at him. "We'll figure a time out later then."

After the two finished their milkshake and paid for everything, they left and began walking back to Basil's house. They held hands the entire way and only let go when they reached Basil's front door. "Thank you for going out with me today. It was fun." She smiled at him.

"I had fun too." Sunny smiled back. Basil looked a bit nervous before she quickly leaned forward and kissed Sunny's cheek. Sunny blushed and placed a hand on the spot she had kissed. 

"Goodbye Sunny. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Basil gave Sunny a shy smile before quickly going inside. Sunny stood outside Basil's house for a few moments longer before leaving to catch the bus back home. He found himself already anticipating their next date.

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