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It had been about a year since Sunny moved from Faraway. He kept in touch with everyone as best as he could though the person he spoke with most was Kel. Sunny and Kel had grown closer, they called each other everyday and would talk for hours. Sunny found himself getting excited every time the phone rang and was heavily disappointed if it wasn't Kel.

Kel was upset when Sunny moved, he felt closer to Sunny in the days leading up to the move than he had ever been. He would call him and talk to him as much as possible, which wasn't as often as he'd like since they had to balance their school schedules and Kel's basketball practice. When they could talk, he'd talk to Sunny about anything and everything. It was mostly things like how good he did in basketball practice that day or how Aubrey and Basil were doing. Aubrey would often nag at Kel for how often he'd whine about missing Sunny.

Kel had told Sunny that he had a basketball game coming up and that he was going to practice really hard to win it. Sunny wished him luck on the game, after they hung up, he came up with an idea. He asked his mom if he could go to Kel's game to support him and visit his friend's again. His mother excitedly agreed, she seemed relieved that Sunny was more willing to go out these days.

The day of the game came and Kel was nervous and excited all at once. Aubrey, her friends, Basil, and his parents were going to be there to cheer him on. He wished that Hero and Sunny could be there, he especially wanted Sunny there. Kel realized that he had developed a crush on the quiet boy, he could feel his face heat up a bit at the thought of Sunny being in the crowd cheering him on. He quickly shook the thought from his head and got ready for the game to start.

The game finished and Kel's team won. He eagerly went to see his friends and family to celebrate the win with them. "I was awesome wasn't I?!" He eagerly asked.

"You were okay." Aubrey said with a small smile.

"Just okay?!" Kel huffed. "You must be blind." Aubrey rolled her eyes at him.

"I think you did good Kel." Basil praised him.

"Thanks! See Aubrey, Basil thinks I did good!"

"He's just being nice." Aubrey replied. Kel's mother interrupted before they could bicker more.

"Kel, there is someone who wants to congratulate you on your game." She told him.

"Who?" Kel asked, excited to get more praise. A boy with black hair came up to him and Kel immediately recognized him. "Sunny!" He yelled cheerfully and went to hug him. Sunny gave him a small smile and hugged him back.

"You did really good." He quietly said. Kel grinned even more and when they parted from the hug he kept an arm around Sunny's shoulder.

"Thanks! Man, it's so good to see you! I've missed you so much! Uh, I mean we've all missed you."

"I've missed everyone too." The group headed over to Gino's pizza to celebrate Kel's win and catch up with Sunny.

After everyone finished eating, Aubrey and her friends left to go hang out somewhere. Basil went home. Kel's parents went home as well, which just left Kel and Sunny to hang out since they had a bit of time before Sunny went home. The two decided to go hang out on the park, they sat next to each other on the swing set. "I'm really glad you came today." Kel spoke after a bit.

"I am too." Sunny replied.

"I...I missed you a lot. More than I thought I would to be honest." Kel admitted, he felt his face heat up a bit so he looked away from Sunny. Sunny smiled a bit at Kel. "I've felt really lonely since you left, which is weird because I hang out with friends a lot. It's just not the same I guess." Kel continued. He looked at Sunny again and realized that this would probably be his last chance for a while to tell him how he really felt. He quietly sighed and worked up his courage, it'd be just like getting ready for a game...probably. "Sunny?" He hesitantly said. Sunny gave him a curious look, causing Kel to look down at the ground. "Um...I uh..." He stuttered, he could feel his nerve quickly fading the longer he waited. Sunny calmly sat there, he did give Kel an encouraging look, which made him decide to just go for it. "I...I...I LIKE YOU!" He finally yelled out and immediately regretted it. He blushed at how loud he was, but it was too late to take it back. He looked at Sunny to see his reaction and try to decipher if it'd be a good one. Sunny looked startled by his sudden outburst and stared at him for a moment. Kel felt like the suspense was killing him, he quickly got ready to try and backtrack and hopefully salvage their friendship.

"I like you too." Sunny's voice caught Kel off guard and quickly put a stop to his train of thought.

"Really?!" He asked hopefully. Sunny nodded and Kel felt like he was dreaming. "Yes!" He exclaimed and fist pumped the air. Sunny softly chuckled at him. Kel grinned at him. "This is the best day ever." He sighed happily. Sunny nodded in agreement he reached over and held Kel's hand, Kel noticed a small blush on his face which made him feel giddy on the inside. He held Sunny's hand back. The two continued to sit and talk until Sunny had to go, before he left though, Kel gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "I'll miss you." He told him. Sunny blushed and gave him a shy smile.

"I'll miss you too." He kissed Kel's cheek and quickly got into his mom's car, but not before Kel noticed his face get even redder.

"Bye Sunny!" Kel called out as he waved goodbye to the car, he was already eagerly anticipating the next time Sunny visits.

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