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The group had decided to have a sleepover at Sunny and Mari's house. They all spent the day together, playing in the treehouse, hanging out at the park, and walking around town. The day was extremely fun, but it was a little tiring. Sunny had fallen asleep first, it was earlier than it normally was when people would start falling asleep at their sleepovers. Basil was the first to notice. He smiled at him and began looking for his camera, wanting to get a picture. "What're you looking for, Basil?" Mari asked him.

"My camera. Sunny's sleeping and he looks so cute." He replied.

"You're right!" Aubrey agreed, looking over to see Sunny.

"You're going to wake him up! You're so loud, Aubrey!" Kel scolded her.

"No I'm not! Besides, you're louder!" Mari giggled at them as she handed Basil his camera.

"You both are going to wake him up, settle down." Hero sighed a bit at them. Basil took the picture of Sunny that he wanted, he smiled when it finished developing. Sunny looked so peaceful and happy, Basil wondered what he was dreaming about.

"Can we see the picture?" Mari asked. Basil quickly nodded and showed it to the others.

"Look how cute he is. He seems so happy." He couldn't help but fawn over the picture of his crush.

"Are you going to add it to the photo album?" Hero asked.

"Yeah. If Sunny doesn't mind."

"I'm sure he won't." Mari assured him. The others went back to the movie that they had been watching, but Basil couldn't focus on it. He kept glancing at either Sunny or the picture of him. He tried not to disturb the others, but it was hard when Sunny would occasionally smile in his sleep or scrunch up his nose a bit. It was all so cute to Basil, he almost wished that he could take more pictures, but figured that would be weird. "We should start going to sleep now." Mari's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Kel and Aubrey protested, but they looked like they could pass out at any moment.

"Goodnight everyone." Basil told the group.

"Goodnight." Mari replied.

"Night." Hero sleepily murmured. Kel was already lightly snoring.

"Night." Aubrey yawned. Basil laid down next to Sunny, he slept on his side, facing Sunny. He blushed a bit when he realized how close they were, so he scooted back a bit.

"Goodnight, Sunny." He quietly whispered as his heavy eyes began to droop close. He could've sworn that he saw Sunny smile a bit at his words.

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