Captain Spaceboy x Reader

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Captain Spaceboy and Sweetheart had just had another break up and the poor captain was currently curled up in his bed, either crying or sleeping. This breakup seemed more serious than the others, and though you'd never say it outloud, you hoped it was permanent. You were tired of watching Captain Spaceboy get his heart broken over and over again. You lightly knocked on the door to his room. "Hey, it's me. Can I come in?" You asked. You didn't get a response but you expected that and entered his room. He was exactly where he was last time you were here. You sighed at this and sat on the edge of his bed next to him. "You can't stay like this forever you know. I know you miss her and everything, but you would be better off moving on." You told him, trying to be gentle with the approach. He poked his head out from under his covers to glare at you a bit. "Don't give me that look. I don't know what you ever saw in her. Besides, you guys were constantly fighting."

"We were not." Captain Spaceboy finally spoke.

"Yes you were. She literally had a special place for you in her dungeon for when you guys fought." Captain Spaceboy was quiet as he tried to think of something to respond with.

"...That just meant I was special to her."

"No. If you were special to her, she'd treat you like an equal. She doesn't deserve you. She was nothing but mean and self centered."

"She...she was nice...sometimes."

"See? Only sometimes. That's unhealthy. I hated watching her treat you so poorly. You deserve so much better. You deserve someone who will listen to you and love you unconditionally." Captain Spaceboy considered your words.

"You're right." He sat up. "I shouldn't be sitting here, sad over her." You nodded encouragingly.

"You should be out exploring the galaxies with your crew." He eagerly nodded in agreement.

"Yes! You're right! I don't need Sweetheart to be happy. I have you and my crew. You all are all I need." He smiled at you. You blushed a bit at his words, luckily he didn't notice. He was already standing up and going to let the crew know that they'd be setting off to travel soon. Captain Spaceboy stopped at the door. "Thank you for all your help. You're an amazing friend. I'd be lost without you." He gave you a heartstopping smile before exiting the room. Your heart ached a little at his words but you smiled as you watched him, seeing him happy again brought you so much relief. You loved him, you had for a while but he always had Sweetheart. You hoped that maybe one day, he'd look at you the way he used to look at her, for now though, you were content with staying by his side and supporting him.

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