Suntan (Female Kel x Male Sunny)

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Kelsey followed Hero as he walked next door to meet the new neighbors. Their mom had baked some cookies and insisted that the two went over to welcome them to the neighborhood. "Do you think they'll have kids our age?" Kelsey asked him.

"They might. I didn't get a look at them." He replied before knocking on the door. A girl around Hero's age opened the door.

"Hello. Are you our neighbors?" She asked them with a smile.

"Oh, uh..." Hero stammered.

"Yeah, I'm Kelsey and that's Hero. Our mom baked you cookies." The girl smiled more.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Mari. Would you two like to come in?"

"Sure, if it wouldn't be a bother or anything." Hero replied.

"It wouldn't be a bother at all." Mari opened the door wider to let them in. "The house is still kind of a mess since we're still unpacking though." Kelsey looked around the living room. It was pretty bare but some furniture had been put up already. "Sunny! Come meet our neighbors!" Mari called upstairs. A few moments later a boy around Kelsey's age came down the steps. "This is Sunny, Sunny this is Hero and Kelsey." Mari introduced everyone. Sunny shyly waved at them.

"It's nice to meet you!" Kelsey smiled at him. She was a bit relieved that there was someone her age here.

"You too." Sunny spoke softly. Hero and Mari continued to talk and get to know each other. Kelsey got bored of listening to them and decided to try and get Sunny to open up a bit.

"Why'd you guys move here?" She asked him. Sunny shrugged a bit and looked thoughtful.

"I think it was for my mom's job."

"Where are your parents anyway?" Kelsey looked around as if they were just hiding somewhere nearby.

"They went to the store." Kelsey nodded as she tried to come up with more things to talk to Sunny about.

"So...what do you like to do for fun?" She asked.

"I draw sometimes...I also like to read comics."

"Cool! What's your favorite comic? Mine is Captain Spaceboy's Space Adventures!" Sunny's eyes seemed to light up a bit.

"Mine too."

"Really? We should go to Hobbeez together sometime, they usually have the new issues for it!"

"That'd be fun." Sunny smiled a bit at Kelsey. She smiled back at him.

It had been a few years since Sunny and Mari had moved to Faraway Town. In that time, Kelsey had begun to develop a crush on Sunny. She decided that today would be the day she confessed to him. She knocked on the door to Sunny's house. It was Saturday so they would be going to Hobbeez and then the park together. Sunny answered the door. "Hi Sunny! Are you ready to go?" Kelsey smiled at him. Sunny nodded and shut the door behind him as he stepped outside. The two began their walk to the store. Kelsey felt nervous. She didn't really have a plan on how to confess to Sunny. She glanced at him thoughtfully as she tried to figure something out. Sunny caught her staring and gave her a questioning look. " was your week?" She asked quickly. She nearly groaned at herself, the two of them were practically attached at the hip. She already knew how his week was.

"It was fine." Sunny replied. At least he didn't seem to be suspicious of her question. The walk continued on in silence. When they reached Hobbeez Kelsey felt a bit relieved, maybe after they get talking about the new comics and games she'll loosen up and be able to tell Sunny her feelings.

It did not in fact work out how Kelsey had hoped. They were currently walking to the park after their visit to Hobbeez and she still hadn't been able to say anything. This was harder than she thought it'd be. Maybe she should've asked Hero for help. "So what do you want to do at the park today?" Kelsey asked him. Sunny seemed to think for a moment.

"We could go to the lake." He suggested.

"Sounds good." Kelsey smiled. Sunny gave her a small smile back. Kelsey hesitated for a moment before grabbing Sunny's hand. She kept walking like nothing happened but she anxiously watched for his reaction. Sunny looked down at their hands with a questioning look before just holding her hand back. That was a good sign.

The two reached the lake and Sunny sat at the end of the pier. Kelsey sat next to him and the two looked out at the water. Kelsey looked at Sunny from her peripheral vision. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be enjoying the light breeze that would occasionally blow by. "Hey Sunny?" She hesitantly spoke up. It was now or never she told herself. Sunny opened his eyes and looked at her curiously. "I'm really glad you moved here." Kelsey smiled. Sunny smiled back.

"Me too."

"There's something else that I wanted to tell you." Kelsey gave herself a moment to steel her nerves. "I...I really like you. Like, more than a friend." She looked away nervously after getting her words out. At least Sunny knows how she feels now. The few moments of silence before Sunny's response was almost deafening to Kelsey.

"I like you too." Sunny murmured. Kelsey almost missed his response due to how quiet he was. She looked back at him, he was looking away from her and at the lake, with a small blush on his face. Kelsey smiled and flung her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Sunny tensed for a moment before relaxing and hugging her back.

"Today's the best." Kelsey sighed happily as she let go of Sunny.

"It is." He smiled as he agreed. With that, the two went back to admiring the lake in a comfortable silence.

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