Mari x Reader (Time Travel Au)

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It has been almost four years since your girlfriend, Mari, died. You were never able to move past her death, you felt guilty every day, thinking that there was something you could've done to prevent her death. Maybe if you had been a better partner, she'd still be alive. That was what you thought to yourself almost everyday. The pain was supposed to numb and heal with time, but it felt like it was just getting worse for you. You felt like you were at your limit, your life had been a downward spiral since Mari died. You laid down in your bed, today had been rough and you'd been looking forward to laying down all day. You closed your eyes and hoped that tomorrow would be better.

Your alarm woke you up the next morning. You turned it off with a groan, when you fully opened your eyes, you realized that your room seemed different. You couldn't quite place it so you just shrugged it off and got up. You happened to glance down and froze, you definitely didn't go to sleep in these clothes. These clothes you had actually given away a year or so ago since they were too small for you. You quickly went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You were startled by your reflection, you looked younger. "Is this a dream?" You asked yourself. You went back to your room to check your calendar. A sense of dread filled you when you saw the date. It was the day of the recital, the day Mari died. You stood there stunned for a few moments. "This...this has to be a dream." You tried to reason to yourself. There was a small part of you trying to convince you otherwise, that this wasn't a dream, that you had a second chance to save Mari. You decided to seize this opportunity and quickly got dressed before sprinting to Mari's house.

When you got there, you pounded on the door, hoping that you weren't too late to stop her. "Mari?!" You anxiously yelled as you beat the door. "Mari, are you there? Sunny?" You called, hoping one of them would open the door. A few moments later, you heard the door unlock, you quickly stopped knocking and waited for it to open. Time felt painfully slow as you waited with baited breath. Finally, Mari peeked out from behind the door.

"Y/N?" She looked and sounded confused. You just stared at her in disbelief, part of you still thought it was a dream and you would wake up before the door opened.


"Yeah? What's wrong? Why are you trying to break down my door so early in the morning?" Mari replied, she had a small smile on her face, but you could still tell that she was nervous. Probably because you were banging on her door and yelling like you were getting murdered...Kel and Hero could probably here you from their house. That wasn't important though, what was important was that Mari was standing right in front of you, alive and well. "What's wrong? What happened?" Mari asked, with more urgency, she looked even more concerned. She reached a hand out and gently cupped your cheek, it was then that you realized you were crying. You sniffled and quickly hugged her, burying your face in her shoulder. She hugged you back. "Hey, it's okay, whatever it is, I'm here for you." She soothingly spoke. She lovingly rubbed your back while you clung to her and sobbed. Mari somehow managed to drag you inside, shut the front door, and sit you down on the couch with her. You had started to calm down during that time.

"I'm sorry." You apologized, you weren't quite sure for what though. Maybe it was for sobbing all over her and probably getting snot and tears on her, or maybe it was because you were a terrible partner who had let her die.

"Don't be, it's alright. Can you tell me what happened now?" Mari warmly smiled at you as she handed you a tissue. You wiped your eyes and tried to think of something to say. You couldn't exactly tell her that you somehow came back from four years in the future and that she was supposed Actually...maybe you could.

"I...I had a nightmare." You hesitantly began.

"It must've been really bad to have you all shaken up like this." Mari gave you a sympathetic look and grabbed your free hand to give it a comforting squeeze.

"It died..." You couldn't help but start crying again after forcing the sentence out. Mari pulled you into another hug and began shushing you.

"It's alright, you don't need to talk about it. Just know that I'm here right now and I won't be going anywhere." She assured you. You took a few breaths to calm yourself.

"Are...are you sure?" You finally asked.

"Of course! I'll always be here for you." Mari smiled again at you and kissed your forehead. "I promise." She seemed so genuine, but you couldn't be sure. You thought she was fine in the past and she clearly wasn't.

"I'm here for you too. You know that right?"

"Mhm! That's why I tell you everything." She cheerfully replied. You couldn't tell if she was being honest. She seemed like it, but after what happened you couldn't be sure.

"Can...can I spend the day with you? I don't want to intrude on anything...but I'd feel better." You nervously asked. Maybe if you kept an eye on her she'd be okay.

"Of course. I was going to practice for the recital with Sunny, but I think it'll be fine if we skip practice today. I think I've been pushing him too hard anyway." Mari sighed a bit at the end. She looked like she felt bad.

"I'm sure he'll be happy to get this break then." You gave her a reassuring smile. Mari smiled back.

"Yeah, hear that Sunny? You get the day off." She looked at something behind you. You turned and saw Sunny shyly peeking around the corner at the two of you. He seemed relieved at Mari's words.

"Hey Sunny." You waved to him. He waved back before running off, presumably back to his room.

"Basil will be over in a bit. Oh, did you even have breakfast?" Mari stood up.

" I forgot." You admitted. Mari playfully sighed at you.

"What am I going to do with you?" She giggled. "We can make breakfast together, it'll be fun!" She held her hand out for you to take. You smiled at her as you accepted it and stood up. You were determined to keep Mari alive and as she smiled at you, you had a feeling that everything was going to be okay this time.

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