A Mari Lives Au

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Sunny stood at the top of the stairs, tightly gripping his violin in his hand. He was tired of the constant practicing and Mari's nagging. He really didn't want to perform at the recital tonight, honestly he didn't want to see the violin ever again. He raised his arm, ready to throw the stupid thing down the stairs, but something stopped him. He remembered how hard everyone worked to get him the violin and how excited they were to see his performance with Mari. Sunny sighed and lowered his hand. He'd do the recital tonight, but that would be the last time he plays the violin.

The recital went well and Mari couldn't be happier. All the hours of practice paid off, her and Sunny sounded great. "Wasn't that fun, Sunny?" She happily asked her younger brother. Sunny glanced at her then looked away. "Is something wrong?" She thought he'd at least smile, then again, he had been acting weird all day. Before she could get her answer, the others came over to congratulate them.

"You guys did great!" Hero praised them, then he shyly handed Mari a bouquet of flowers.

"Aw thanks Hero! You're so sweet." Mari smiled at him as she accepted the flowers. She looked over at Sunny, he probably felt better now that his friends were here. Sunny was quietly standing with the others, Kel and Aubrey seemed to be bickering like usual. Basil seemed to be trying to comfort Sunny though. Mari felt worried and went over to the two. "Are you guys okay?" She asked.

"O-Oh! Y-yeah, we're fine." Basil nervously smiled at her.

"Are you sure?" She looked at Sunny, prompting him for an answer. Sunny just stared at the ground.

"H-Hey, let's all take a picture to remember tonight." Basil suddenly suggested.

"Oh yeah! That's a great idea Basil!" Aubrey excitedly agreed.

"Yeah, totally!" Kel also agreed. The two scrambled over to stand next to Sunny and Basil. Hero chuckled at them and went to stand with them. Mari discreetly sighed but agreed to a picture, she'll just get Sunny to talk to her about whatever was bothering him later.

Everyone finally got home, Sunny went straight to their room when they got home. Mari waited a bit before joining him, hoping that if she gave him a little space he'd be more willing to talk to her. "Hey, Sun-" Mari had started talking as she came in, but quickly stopped. Sunny was already tucked into his bed and looked to be sleeping. Mari smiled a bit. "I guess you were just tired, huh?" She kissed his forehead. "Goodnight little brother." She quietly told him before getting ready for bed.

It had been a few days since the recital, and Sunny was still avoiding Mari. She felt worried over what could've happened to make him act like that. He seemed perfectly fine with everyone except her, she had a sneaking suspicion that Basil knew what was wrong, but he wouldn't say anything whenever she asked. Mari decided to just confront Sunny about it one day. The two were at home, Sunny was in their room, doing his homework most likely. Mari entered the room. "Sunny, we need to talk." She stated sternly. Sunny paused and looked up from his homework. "You've been avoiding me." Sunny shook his head at this. "Yes you have. Ever since the concert. What's wrong?" Sunny looked away from her. Mari sighed and sat next to him on his bed. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's bothering you. I'm worried, Sunny." He looked back at her and Mari took that as a sign that she was saying the right things. "I love you and I just want to help you. Please tell me what I did to upset you." She pleaded with him. Sunny silently stared at her, she stared back, she knew that he was probably trying to figure out what he wanted to say.

"...I don't want to play the violin anymore." He finally said. Mari was surprised by this.

"What? Why? You loved playing it!" Sunny sighed.


"What? Is it my fault?" Sunny nodded. "What did I-" Mari began to ask. She paused as she remembered how many hours she forced Sunny to practice. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she should've noticed that he was miserable practicing all that time. She felt awful for not noticing sooner. "Oh, I'm so sorry Sunny." She apologized. "I shouldn't have pushed you so hard. I pushed so hard that now you don't even like the violin anymore." Mari sniffled. She felt so bad that she made her little brother dislike something he used to love. Mari was snapped out of her thoughts when Sunny wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry Sunny. I upset you and here you are comforting me." Mari wiped her eyes and hugged him back.

"It's okay. I'm not upset anymore." Sunny assured her.

"Are you sure?" Sunny nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back. "I love you. Please talk to me next time, instead of just bottling up your feelings."

"I will. I love you too." Sunny assured her. Mari squeezed him a little tighter and silently promised both herself and Sunny that she'd be more observant to his feelings in the future.

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