Basil x Reader

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You sighed in relief as the last customer finally left. Today had been a surprisingly long day, normally your store didn't get so many customers unless a holiday was coming up. You set to work closing up the shop, it was a flower shop that you shared with your boyfriend, Basil. Speaking of him, he came from the back, where he had been taking care of a few flowers. "Today was really busy." He commented, he seemed happy though.

"Mhm. I'm exhausted now." You laughed a bit.

"Me too. I can't wait to get home." You nodded in agreement. After the two of you finished closing up the shop for the night, you began heading home.

"What should we do for dinner?" You asked. Basil looked thoughtful.

"Well...we're both pretty tired, we can just order a pizza. If you want." He quickly added.

"That sounds good. It gives us more cuddle time too." You smiled at him. He blushed and shyly looked away.

"Th-That sounds really nice." He admitted.

The two of you arrived home, Basil went to change into more comfortable clothes and you called Gino's. When that was done, you got changed as well and cuddled up to Basil on the couch. He kissed the top of your head and snuggled closer to you. "It feels nice to finally get a chance to sit down and rest." You commented.

"Yeah, today was fun though." Basil agreed. "Everyday with you is fun." He smiled sweetly. You happily kissed his cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Basil blushed and tried to hide it by burying his face into the crook of your neck. You cuddled each other in silence, it was a nice and comfortable silence though. One of you would occasionally give the other a quick kiss. The rest of the night was peaceful and calm, most of your nights with Basil were typically like that. The two of you curled up into each other's embrace and just enjoying each other's company. Neither of you would have it any other way.

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