Fresh tries to make friends- Horror's a jealous boi

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"Do we really have to be doing this?"

"Yes. Stop whining, Error." Error groaned. Apparently, their parents said that Geno and Error had to introduce Fresh to their friends so that he can be friends with them too. Geno was way more on board with that idea than Error. Error wanted to ship Fresh back to whatever hole he came from.

"Why can't Fresh make his own friends?" Geno turned to him, annoyed.

"Error, school's almost out. How is he supposed to make friends?" Error hummed.

"Okay, then why does he need friends?" Geno scoffed and hit Errors arm. Through his jacket, of course.

"Error, it's just for a few weeks, and then you don't have to share your friends or your boyfriend at all." Error huffed, crossing his arms.

"He already stole my boyfriend. Ink and him are besties now. They act exactly the same, so I see why." Geno raised an eye, just as Fresh skated over, and all their friends behind him.

"Okay, bruhskis, I found all ya dope friends, so, get to da introductions." Geno cleared his throat, and Error just rolled his eyes.

"Guys, this is Fresh, our cousin. Fresh, these are our friends. Killer, Horror, Dust, Dream, Nightmare, Cross, Blue, Lust, and you already know Reaper and Ink." Reaper saluted him.

"What up, bro?" Fresh finger gunned him, and Error gagged. He couldn't wait to go home and be completely and totally free from Fresh for at least a few months. Fresh's glasses changed to question marks as he sat up straight, tilting his skull, staring at Lust. Error raised an eye.

"Hey, Lusty brah, do I, like, know ya?" Lust blinked, folding his hands in front of him.

"I'm not sure. Is there somewhere I'd know you from." Fresh shrugged, then shoved his skeletal hands in his jacket pockets.

"We used to go ta school together, brah. When we were little itty bitty skele-brahs." Lust's eyes widened as something dawned on him. Probably realization. Error would just hide in his dorm until school was over to avoid Fresh. Geno would probably scold him for it, but he would do what he felt was necessary to avoid him.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't feel so well." He stretched his arms in the air, yawning dramatically. "I'm gonna go to bed." Reaper snorted.

"We weren't even talking about not feeling well. How'd you start 'thinking about it'?" Error flipped him off, and Fresh's glasses changed to "WOAH".

"Because I did." Ink starting skipping to catch up with him.

"You mind if I come with you?"

"Sure, whatever, I don't care." He beamed.

"Okay, cool." And Error just groaned.

Life didn't make sense. Horror didn't know how to make sense of life. His boyfriend was talking and laughing with this strange skeleton that just appeared that day, and they apparently knew each other. They were catching up like old friends. He guessed they technically were old friends. He sighed, looking down at his food, starting to eat it begrudgingly. Killer poked him.

"You okay, dude?" He groaned, resting his head on the table.

"What am I supposed to do about that?" He flippantly gestured at the two of them, frolicking. Killer looked at them, slurping his smoothie.

"I don't know. Damn. That must be pretty scary. Like, this super hot skeleton dude just comes in here and apparently the two of them are old friends, and the way Lust is giggling is the same way that people giggle when they have a crush on someone. Like, you know? And, plus, there's only a few more weeks of school anyway, so, since they used to go to school together, they probably live close by, and you two don't, so there's no way that's gonna last." He laughed. "Like, no way." Horror groaned as he face-planted into the table, and Dust hit Killer's arm.

dumb skeletons in a dumber highschoolOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora