~ chapter 13 ~

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The one thing Bre could not get out of her head was what happened on the fourth of July, Conrad had blanked her since he found out Finn was her escort and had been forced to talk to him through Jeremiah.

Currently, they were all having breakfast in time for the girls to compete at the Volleyball tournament.

"Does Finn play?" Taylor asked. She was already over and dressed for the game like Belly and Bre. Bre had plaited her hair and Belly had her hair in a ponytail. Then they both had their team tops on with their names on them.

"Uh yeah played during high school" Bre said taking the final mouthful of her cereal.

"Oh, so we have competition," Belly said with a hint of jealousy.

"Well you are still gonna win," Bre said smiling, she caught Conrad's eye as she said that.

Taylor and Belly went off to get their stuff and Jeremiah also left the Kitchen which left Conrad and Bre alone.

"Can you talk to me? You have blanked me since the Fourth and I honestly have no clue why" Bre said. Conrad looked at her biting her lip before opening his mouth.

"Honestly, we kissed and I thought that maybe you'd respect me more than going to the deb with someone else" Conrad answered, frowning as he said it.

"Conrad I didn't even remember us kissing, of course, I would've gone to the deb with you" Bre said moving her hand up to touch his face but instead he dodged it.

"Will you go to the Deb with me?" Conrad asked seriously.

"I've already told Finn I'll go with him," Bre said, she knew deep down she would instead go with Conrad but she didn't want to disappoint Finn.

"It's fine, when he cancels or leaves I might not be here," Conrad said before leaving.

Fuck Bre thought to herself.

"Hey, Bre you ready?" Laurel asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah," Bre said taking a deep breath.

All Bre could think on the way to the tournament was how much she would lose everyone. She keeps pushing people away, and that one day maybe they won't come back again.

"You know Bre your dad used to play Volleyball with me, well he'd just end up throwing the ball at me but I couldn't throw it back" Laurel said looking at Bre who was very much zoned out.

"Bre?" Laurel asked worried.

"Yeah sorry" Bre snapped out of her thoughts.

"I was just saying your dad used to play," Laurel said.

"I thought he liked other things like jumping off cliffs," Bre said jokingly.

"Your father was more than that, he had a heart you know," Laurel said sounding choked up.

Bre suddenly remembered the box Laurel had given her before they left for Cousins.

"When shall I open that box? The one you gave me?" Bre asked looking at Laurel.

"Oh maybe wait until the Deb or after? We can open it together" Laurel said, her face was uplifted by the sound of the box and that gave Bre a weird feeling.

"Sounds good," Bre said.

When they arrived at the tournament all Bre could think about was her relationship with the Conklins, this summer she felt further from them than she'd ever felt.

"You ready to play Conklin?" Finn asked coming up behind her.

"Yeah, are you?" Bre said bringing Finn into a hug.

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