~ chapter 6 ~

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The sun rose
like a normal morning in Cousins, but this time Bre and Conrad were finally where they both felt safe. They had the rest of the summer to be with each other and enjoy their last summer.

Bre woke up to a soft knock at the door, she sprung up quickly waking Conrad in the process.

She opened the door to see Jeremiah with a smoothie in his hand.

"Hi, Finn told me to wake you up at eight with a smoothie and tell you he'd be back here at nine to take you to work," Jeremiah said, he had a smile on his face but it wasn't the usual one it was the one where he was wanting to know more.

Bre looked at the smoothie taking it.

"Thank you, So it's eight now?" Bre asked to double-check.

"It's eight forty-five, I sort of forgot then had to make the smoothie," Jeremiah said shifting his smile to a guilty one.

"So I've got fifteen minutes?" Bre said raising her eyebrows. She was now stressed.

Bre slammed her door and rushed over to her suitcase to pick out an outfit. All she could find was her dungarees and a blue floral top which would have to do.

"Come back to bed" Conrad whispered.

"I can't, Finn is gonna be here in fifteen minutes and it's my first day," Bre said bushing her hair.

She looked in the mirror seeing the bruise on her head and her busted lip, This wasn't going to be a good first impression.

Conrad was lying watching Bre get ready, he was in awe of her. Anything she did he was mesmerized by.  Bre on the other hand was stressing about which book she was going to bring. She didn't have any of her favourites with her, well not her current favourites anyway. As she pulled out the books she'd stacked there yesterday she noticed 'Little Women' a few summers ago when Bre was sick she and Conrad spent a whole week reading it and then watching the film.

"What are you looking for?" Conrad asked.

"I have to bring my favourite book," Bre said standing up and slipping on her Birkenstocks. She looked semi-presentable.

"You gonna have to sneak out of here in a bit you know that," Bre said sitting on the edge of the bed, she was confused. Was last night the beginning of them or was it just that night?

"Yeah, I'll wait a few minutes after you've gone though," Conrad said sitting up slightly.

"Just don't get caught," She said with a slight giggle.

"When do you finish?" Conrad asked, he was annoyed that he couldn't drive her for her first day and that Finn was the one to do it not him.

"Not sure, I'll text you?" Bre said standing back up. She had her phone and book in her hands.

"What book did you pick?" Conrad asked trying to read the title on the side of the book.

"Uhh, I'll tell you later," Bre said before running downstairs.

As she made it to the bottom of the stairs she noticed a car pulling up and she knew it was Finns.

"I'll see you all later" Bre shouted before running towards Finn's car. It was a different feeling sitting in the front seat of his car today though. She was excited to get to know him she just wanted this day to be over so she could spend time with her family.

"How are you feeling?" Finn asked, he looked the same as last night.

"Uh my face hurts but I'm okay, Thank you by the way," Bre said smiling.

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