~ chapter 7 ~

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"Please play a different song, I can't listen to any more rap," Bre said covering her ears. Since she'd got in Jere's car he had played nothing but rap songs which weren't her favourite.

'Cruel Summer' by Taylor Swift started playing, and Jeremiah knew that was Bre's favourite summer song. Last summer she spent the whole time educating the boys on Taylor Swift.

"Is that better?" Jeremiah asked with a big smirk on his face.

"You know the way to my heart," Bre said laughing.

"Me and Conrad had this song stuck in our heads the whole of September because we'd heard it all of last summer," Jeremiah said rolling his eyes.

"Well that at least means my time wasn't wasted," Bre said smugly.

"Where is everyone?" Bre asked as they pulled up and nobody else's car was there.

"Well Conrad went out like an hour ago, then Belly, Laurel and My mom went shopping for the Deb," Jere said turning off his car. What is the Deb Bre thought to herself?

"What is the Deb?" She asked, it was familiar to her but she had no idea. The house was empty without the noise of everyone like it was full of love but no people.

"It's this ball that the country club throws for all the girls coming of age. Belly is now of age to be involved" Jere said rolling his eyes.

"I'm guessing you're against the whole idea of it then?" Bre asked. They'd made their way out to the pool like that's where they both gravitated to.

"It's not that I'm against it, It's just stupid" The two teens ended up sitting by the pool with their feet hanging in the pool.

"I was never good enough for it then," Bre said looking down at her feet, She always felt like Belly was the prettier one and that people preferred her. And this was sort of solidifying it for her.

"My Mom had an invite for you, but you weren't at dinner" He spat out.

"Oh," Bre muttered.

"Why weren't you at dinner?" Bre wanted to tell him that she couldn't bear to sit and be happy especially because Susannah was sick again but she couldn't.

"I wanted to apply for the Job" The fake smile spread across her face.

"Okay I know that's a lie from that stupid smile you pull, why weren't you at dinner? Has it got to do with Conrad?" Jeremiah knew Bre and she always forgot that.

"Honestly Yeah, he stopped talking to me after Christmas and I don't know just seeing him again...It pissed me off. I don't know...He's not easy to read" The thoughts and inner feelings just speared out.

"I get the same with Belly, one moment she's all over me then the next she's mooning over Conrad again. We are hopeless" Jeremiah admitted leaning back.

"I've got an idea, stand up" Bre motioned for Jeremiah to stand up which he did. Then in one fell swoop Bre pushed Jeremiah into the pool and jumped in after him.

"Why did you do that?" Jeremiah asked, they were both laughing.

"Well we needed to stop feeling sorry for ourselves, and I don't know I saw it in the corner of my eye so went for it," Bre said splashing him.

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